Chapter 5:Meeting A Little Extra Help

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Pastor Riess helps Bobby and Laurette search for some one for extra help. They've come across a elderly women name Ella that has been through hundreds of the same problems. When Pastor told Ella, she said it sounds like a major problem and we need to set up the nearest date to meet to get thus done with. As the priest tell Bobby and Laurette about her, they say she can come tomorrow.
When the Pastor and Ella meet at the church to go to Laurette's home, the Pastor started feeling strange. But he didn't worry much because he had ate a grill cheese sandwich earlier in the day. When they reach the the family home, Ella said that she definitely feel something that attached to them. When Bobby and Laurette told them the problems they have been dealing with, but the priest then said he thought they should perform a exorcism. Ella said that might be the best thing to do to save your family. But before they start planning the exorcism, she had asked of they've ever been baptised. Bobby and Laurette said a long time ago but since they had the baby nun of them had been. Ella said let's try that to see if this thing should go away, and if it works, it should be no reason to do the exorcism. So they drive off to the church to get baptised, when they make it in side the church the baby starts acting funny. Pastor said let's hurry and bap this baby before it spread through the whole body. As Laurette stand in the holy water, holding her baby The pastor starts to faint. Before he fell he had then told Ella to grab the bible and finish baptising the baby and the rest of the family. About time Ella finished them all the ambulance had then arrived for the pastor, but something was holding Ella from leaving. Ella told Bobby and Laurette to hurry and take Treasure to the hospital for more x rays while she deals with this erotic spirit.

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