Chapter 22

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I sit on the couch, waiting for Chris to walk through the door so I can give him a piece of my mind. He promised me that we would spend the day together and he bailed. Probably to go and see some other bitch.

He walks through the door and my eyes roll as he walks up and kisses me like nothing is wrong. I pull away from him and he sighs.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"What's wrong? You. You're wrong. Chris I hate when you lie to me." I say

"Baby I'm sorry."

"Who were you with?"

"You don't trust me?"

"How can I? You've cheated before, and you'd do it again."

"Baby no I wouldn't. I was with Red and them. I can't hang with my niggas?"

"You can, but you promised me that we would spend time together. It's came home and we had sex and now you don't care about me. It's like you came home just to have sex."

"That's not true. You know I love you with all of my heart Ariana." He pulls me closer "And I'm getting sick and tired of you pulling this bullshit. Just trust me. When I tell you I'm with Red, I'm with Red. I did cheat, but I never lied about it Ari. So I'm gunna need for you to settle the fuck down."

I bite my lip as he talks. Damn he's so sexy when he's mad! He makes me feel so...Ugh! I nod my head, not even paying attention to a word he's saying. He kisses me and I don't hesitate to kiss back.

"You done?" He asks

I sigh "Yes." I say

"No you're not."

"How would you know?"

"Because when you're in love with someone you can understand them. Baby I know you still don't believe me, but I'll do anything to gain your trust back. I swear I haven't had sex with anybody besides you, since then. I haven't even looked at a female that way because I'm trying to be better for you."

"It's gunna take a lot more than that."

"I know I'm a piece of shit, but I love you baby. I-I try hard for you and I know sometimes it doesn't work, but I'll never give up on you. Please don't leave me, Ari. I didn't cheat."

"Then where were you really at Chris? Red came here looking for you, so I know you weren't with him."

"Baby I can't tell you. It's a surprise."

"Bullshit! You're a fucking liar and I'm leaving. You can't tell me? I can't be with you."

He frowns "So you're leaving me?"

"And I'm not coming back this time."

He sighs "If that'll make you happy."

"I can't trust you Chris. You lie. You cheat. You hurt me all the time. I can't do this. Chris, I want to but I can't."

Tears run down his face "Cool. I should've never even got in the middle of your relationship with Sean. I'm sorry you met me."

"Chris I-"

He cuts me off "Shh, I get it. I'm wrong you're right."

He walks to the closet and starts packing my things for me. I roll my eyes and sit on the bed with my arms crossed. I watch as he packs every last thing of mine. He finishes and steps back to look at the pile of bags.

"There." He says

"I'm sorry Chris, but I can't." I say

He nods "I'll um, leave you alone after you go."

"Thank you."

We both carry my bags to the car and I get inside. He stands in the drive way and watches me, with his hands in his pockets. I pull out of the drive way and he just stands there, watching. He turns around like he doesn't wanna see me go. I drive away and tear roll down my face. Maybe this'll be better for him too. He's not ready for a relationship.

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