The Table

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Okay, so as I was saying, I'm supposed to be the drama starter. So my squad has got to be on point, like on point af. So everyone at our table has a job. This helps create a system. That way I know what's happening with everyone in school and keep up with my very important job as being queen bee of school. So shall I introduce everyone on my squad and what they do.

First, there's Bree. Bree is my assistant. Bree has to be on top of her game all day everyday. She has to know exactly what everyone is doing and when they should do it to keep the system running smoothly. I mean to high school kids, drama is some serious business. Bree also takes my place when I'm not at school. Which happens about every two weeks because of something that I can't tell you yet, and only two people out of squad know this secret. It's kind off embarrassing. Of course I told Bree my secret and she swore to keep it a secret, but you know that you always have to watch because not everyone means to say things, but they wind up accidentally saying them.

Next up is, Kassady. So Kassady is my text and emoji editor. Yes I've made that a thing. When girls want to text people or guys, they she. To make the text sound like it's in the right tone when the person reads it and your emojis have to be on point. Like if they aren't you're just screwed because emojis say it all. You can't have a message that's meant to be sarcastic have the laughing crying emoji. That's not how it works. Also Kassady has this thing where you have to do a "rough draft" of your text in the notes app. If you don't she won't edit it. She said that you don't rough draft in the messages because your message might be so horrible and you accidentally sent it. There's more to her job and I would explain it, but I'm too lazy. But just know that she takes her job very serious. She's one of my best employees.😂😂😂

Third, is my quietist, but most important employee. Isabella. She is, I guess I could say a social antisocial. She socializes with other antisocials. She really comes in handy for gagthering information cause nobody thinks she'll do anything. Also, she' really pretty, so she can manipulate people into getting info and having stuff done for her. Right now, they're the most important people in squad for this part of my story. The others are really gonna be important later. But right now, we have a mission and my reputation is on the line. We gotta get moving.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hiiiiiyyyyeeee! I've been gone for literally like ever. Over a year to be exact. This is chapter 2 of my book. I hope you enjoy it. It is on more of the short side, but cut me some slack cause I've been gone for a while. But my wheels are turning and this story is gonna get freaking good.

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