Chapter 1

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Steph POV:

I woke up this morning with my alarm clock buzzing super loud it was so annoying, I had just remembered that I had to go to training and I had other things to do so I got out of bed brushed my teeth and ran downstairs to have a quick bite before training. When I was done I quickly ran back up the stairs and got to my room as soon as possible so I could get changed. I put on my training shirt, my compression tights, my shorts, socks and Curry 2.5's, I then walked to my car and drove to oracle for our first training right before the NBA Finals. When I finished training I remembered I had plans with Alexandra this afternoon so I quickly got ready for that. Today was the first day Alexandra and I had spent in months, ever since she had finished college we have not had time to go out and do something together so I was so excited for the day we have ahead of us. Alexandra and I are going to meet up at chili's for lunch I said telling my dad as I headed off.

Alexandra POV:

I somehow woke up very late this morning, I don't know how because I never do. Something popped up in my head I remembered that I was was going out to meet Stephen for the first time in months, so I was all ready except for the fact I didn't know what to wear. So I decided on a black crop top, dark coloured jeans and my curry 2 low's all black! When I got to chilli's I saw Stephen sitting down waiting for me.


"Hey Steph!"


"Hey Alexandra! How's it going?"


"Oh I'm fine you?"


"I'm good, so your done college huh"


"Yup it was good"

'''''Talking And Eating'''''


So you want to come to my NBA Finals game 1 vs the Cavaliers on Tuesday? I could get you court side tickets!!


Sure, I'm free on Tuesday so i guess i'll see ya there.


Ok, bye Alexandra, I said as we both walked to our cars.

I definitely had a huge crush on her I just do not know how to tell her, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!! I will make longer ones.

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