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Lucy's POV
I woke up to the 'lovely' sound of Igneel my now dad's roar(scarcastic),"DAD COULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN?!?IM SLEEPING!"I yelled hugging the pillow under me.
"ITS ALREADY 10 AM DRAGON REALM TIME!"he shouted back,10am! CRAP!i scrambled around to find my clothes and tie up my hair in its usual side ponytail.I ran out of the room and saw 'dad' in his human form eating a roasted deer and some fire to go along with it.He gave me some fruits and meat to eat and then handed me a little fire.
"Um why did you give me fire?I still don't know how to eat it..."I said looking at dad
"Then try,take a deep breath and suck in the fire."he said and I listened,soon the fire got sucked into my mouth and I ate it,"Tastes like I know why Natsu likes it"I smiled
Back at Fairytail~~
Natsu's POV
"What's wrong flame brain?Why ya shivering?"Gray said
"I felt like someone just complimented me"I said plainly
"In ya dreams ash face!"gray snickered
"You wanna go?"I said
"DO I HEAR FIGHTING?"Erza glared at us,soon we swung out arms over each other.
"NO MAM!"we yelled

Back at Lucy's~~
"Hmm I'm quite surprised you managed to eat it in the first try!Natsu took 3 tries before he got used to it!"Dad said,I looked at him and grinned but then my tummy grumbled.
"UH,can I have more fire?"I stated and he made more fire,I ate all of them and none left,wow my appetite had increased although I have not even started training...

Timeskip after food brought to you by Lucy Heartfillia~~

"I want you to concentrate your mind,make it clear and think about fire"dad said, I did as told,"Now feel it in your tummy and let it all out,I felt something hot inside of me burning up and I yelled,"ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON!!!"fire shot out of my mouth and it hitter a fire tree(basically a tree made out of fire cause ya know?)
"Well done! Although it took you 4 tries but good job!"Dad said patting me on my back
"I feel hungry..."my stomach growled,he laughed and gave me fire to eat.

Author:"SORRY ITS SHORT!BUT ILL MAKE IT LONGER NEXT TIME! Gomenasai!i was busy because I had to practice my guzheng(instrument)for and upcoming performance!"
Lucy:"Cool I can eat fire now!NATSU THROW ME ONE OF YOUR FLAME!"
*Natsu throws Lucy a flame not knowing Lucy could eat it*
Author:"eh heh heh heh... Sorry to inturupt this moment but Disclaimer?"
Happy:"Aye sir! Angel028 does not own Fairytail,all rights goes to Hiro Mashima!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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