Chapter 1

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Let's take a look at the Drapple household now. They have a cute, but very large cabin in between some willow trees. They have a long driveway to their front door. The house has four floors.

 Let's look at the people! Oh. Well, there are Draco and Apple Malfoy. They.... well, they're making out. I'm not sure if you want the details. 

 Let's look somewhere else. There are three of their kids! They are 13, 12 and 11 years old, and their names are Flapple, Trapple and Mapple. Flapple is kind of a flake. She's really nice, but doesn't really have any talents except that. She is a little plump and, well, apple-shaped. Her hair is green and tough and her face is kind of featureless. Then Trapple is a crafty girl. She is a lot like her father. She has her fathers' face and hair color, although it's texture is like her mother's. She has her mother's skin. Mapple is a lot like Trapple. They could be twins, personality-wise. Mapple is also very intelligent and has a great sense of direction. He has short, green hair, but Draco's skin and body. His face is more like Apple's than Trapple's, though. 

Flapple, Trapple and Mapple decided to go outside. They walked out of the house and into the back yard, through the willow trees. It was just a little cloudy outside. Then, Mapple saw a funny footprint. I wasn't human, but it wasn't apple, either. It wasn't any type of animal anyone had  seen around here. "That's slightly strange, but it's no big deal", said Flapple. "I want some pie." Trapple made a face. "You always want pie, Flapple", she said. "I prefer muesli bars." 

Mapple wasn't interested in their argument, so he ran ahead. Flapple and Trapple were always disagreeing. But he probably should have stayed together with them, because around the corner was... PEAR! 

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