Chapter 1: Death

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Abby's P.O.V

My thoughts were interrupted by smoke. The nasty smell filled my nostrils, and I immediately awoke. Smoke was filling my room from underneath my oak door. I threw off the covers, and ran to my door.

Then my mother's voice whispered in my head."When there is a fire, don't touch the doorknob. Put a blanket under the door to stop the smoke."

I ran back to my bed and grabbed the thick, red comforter and put it under my door. Then I heard footsteps from the other side of my door.

"Abby!" My mother yelled. She banged on my door, but the door didn't even budge. Then she screamed as the flames consumed her.

"Mommy!" I cried. I ran to my window, then opened it as far as it would go. I put one leg out of the window, but didn't realize the ice laying on the roof from the previous night. I slipped, and fell over the roof and into the snow that layed on the ground. And it wasn't deep snow. Maybe 4 inches.

My legs hurt so bad! I looked down at them, and they both were twisted up! Towards my chest! I screamed in pain, but nothing came out.

Then something grabbed me by the neck and dragged me from where I was last sitting.

"Help!" I cried. There was no one, so it was no use. I turned my head up, and it was my father! But he was all gnarled and twisted, blood pouring from every crevasse on his body.

Suddenly he stopped.

He turned to me, giving me a mischievous smile. Then he spoke in a dark, deep musty voice." We need you, Abby. Join us. You can be with us forever."

I shook my head."I'd rather die than be with you!"

He smiled." So be it." He pulled out a knife from his back pocket. He slowly stumbled towards me. I could tell that his legs were broken. You could hear the bones snapping and shattering from beneath his tan skin.

Then there was a gunshot. My father dropped to his knees, and fell right next to me. I breathed heavily, and looked towards the dozen police cars lined up in my driveway.

"She's good!" A woman yelled. I turned in that direction, and a woman was walking towards me, putting her 42 Caliber pistol in her belt.

She rubbed the side if my face, and she smelled like cherry blossoms. Her long, brown hair waved in my face, tickling it.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Her voice was soft and nice, with a hint of English in there.

I shook my head." My legs are broken. I can't move anywhere."

She smiled." I'll personally take you to the hospital. What's your name?"

I hesitated."A-Abby."

"Well, Abby. I'm Ms.Valentine. But you can call me Kelsey." She stuck out her hand, and I took it. She smiled.

"Please to meet you, Kelsey." I said. Then I turned towards my house. My jaw dropped.

I've never seen anything so terrifying. Standing in my bedroom window, was a shape of a person. I couldn't see any facial features, but they were waving.

I didn't have any time to think as I was getting into a police vehicle, heading to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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