Chapter 2

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Flash Back:
"Mom I can't do it anymore! People are calling me bad things and I hate it!" 13 year old Indigo bawls
"Baby, I'm sure that it will end soon"
"I can't take it mom! I just can't! people are calling me a whore and a slut and a bitch!"
"Just ignore them honey, they are just saying in to make you upset. They aren't actually trying to hurt you. Don't let them get to you."
Indigo's eyes start to water. Indigo runs upstairs and locks herself into the bathroom.
Indigo takes out a razor blade, and slides it on her leg.
She watches as the blood runs down her leg and she gets relief from it. Her tears start to dry and her emotions hide. She does it again, and again until her leg became numb.
She hid the razor blade under the sink, gets toilet paper, then puts the toilet paper on her wounds.
Indigo thinks about the first time she had been bullied, and starts to cry hard.
She comes out of the bathroom then locks herself into her room.
Flash Back ends

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