chapitre 3

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"Hi is this dean Andrews?", " yes it is who am I speaking to?" a broad upper class accent spoke through the phone. "It's Brianna Bella, the mother of Victoria Justice." Brie said friendly she always used her full name with anything official but for anything else she always went by Brie. "Um yes hello there Mrs Bella what can I do for you today?" The dean asked. "My step daughter has been having urm please forgive me dean as there is no easy way to say this but Victoria has been have some problems going to the bathroom." Brie felt extremely embarrassed but she was sticking to her guns. The dean couldn't believe what he was hearing Victoria Justice one of his top students who's heading for the honours list was having bath room trouble. "So basically she'll be bringing adult diapers but I would appreciate that the nurse changes her" Brie said with a sadistic smile. "Erm well ok then I'll see what I can do". Dean Andrews says trying to comprehend what he's hearing

"Oh Roman stop it put me down, wait Selena no". "oh Vicky it's time for a change, smile " "no no no" all of a sudden Victoria woke up screaming no. "Oh good it was just a dream just a dream" Victoria said trying to reassure herself her hair was stuck all over her and she stank of sweat. "Victoria honey you ok in there" her dad yelled in, "yer dad just a bad dream" Victoria said panting for breath, "well hurry up its breakfast time" and with that her dad went downstairs. Then Victoria ripped her pink bed sheets off to check her diaper Selena's words echoed in the back of her mind "don't forget don't you dare wet or mess that diaper I don't want your poor mom or dad having change you" oh my god what if they tell Selena. Victoria quickly jumped out of bed and ran to her pantie draw as she pulled it open it was empty dam she thought, then she remembered where Selena had gotten the diaper from the previous night, quickly she threw her satin dressing gown on and ran out onto the landing and opened the cupboard where the diapers were. "No" Victoria gasped repeatedly whispering no, "looking for something" Bries voice came out of nowhere but then suddenly she came from around the corner. "just getting a towel so I can get showered" Victoria said shakily. "Ok stop lying I know when your lying come here I can tell by your voice" reluctantly Victoria walked over, and Brie undid her dressing gown and placed her hand over her mouth "oh Victoria you've wet your diaper, well your going to have to get the nurse at collage to bath and change you" Brie nastily said. Victoria shouted "you can't fucking well do that what if Selena finds out!". Then all of a sudden crack Victoria felt her face going left after Brie caught her off guard with a slap, "don't you ever swear at me again young lady your lucky your dad just left for work, otherwise I'd be using his belt across that arse now get dressed it's time to go."

Sometime later Brie was in the the back of Bries jeep wearing a pair of black baggy track pants white T-shirt converse trainers checkered blue and white shirt and leather hat. She had no option but to wear them her jeans wouldn't pull up over the diaper because it was to big and a skirt would just show the diaper off, next to her was her bag with a few diapers powder wipes a towel a changing mat and razor blade. Victoria dreaded going to collage would Selena have blabbed about the night before what was she supposed to tell Ariana about Selena being over at her house Ariana wasn't stupid she knew her mate Victoria hated Selena, how would she react when the nurse washed her and changed her. All of a sudden her step mum chimers in to her thoughts "remember Victoria the nurse is going to change you give you a bath and put a fresh diaper on you."

Before Victoria could even say anything they were pulling up outside the collage, she saw the nurse standing outside on her texting on her phone she was in her pale blue nurses uniform consisting of white trainers blue nurses top and matching trousers, she had beautiful short cropped hair, she was in her late 30s but you could have sworn she was in her early 30s or late 20s. "Hi" she says with a large smile "I'm nurse Freeman but you can call me Rita" she happily says as Victoria is getting out of the jeep her voice was very welcoming and warm, even through Victoria was feeling down she could tell Rita was going to be nice. "Remember she's to be kept in diapers and she pissed her self in the night" Brie shouts before speeding off.

Victoria Justice Secret Diaper Where stories live. Discover now