-Chapter 3-

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Rae walked out of Jitters and began her descend to STAR Labs. Upon walking, she saw Barry and walked over.

"Hey, Barry." She said.

Barry didn't answer and she looked to see Iris kissing a blonde cop. Rae looked at Barry to see a heart broken look. Iris pulled away from the officer and looked at Barry.

Rae stood there awkwardly before hearing Iris say, "Wanna go for a walk Barry?" She looked at Rae and smiled. "Rae Ramon. STAR Labs beauty. One of the smartest there. I wrote a report on you once. Huge fan." She shook Rae's hand and Rae smiled, faking it but hoping it looked real.

Barry and Iris started to walk before Barry turned around and offered her to come. Rae denied and stated that she had other things to do.

Once the best friends were gone, Rae jumped to the top of Jitters and continued on to STAR Labs where she changed into her Aphrodite gear.

She was going to surprise her biggest fan, who had started a blog about her.

Iris West.

And she knew exactly where to find her.
Rae, or Aphrodite as she looked, wanted to surprise Iris in a way that would hopefully do something to get her away from Detective Pretty Boy, whose name she will didn't know. Rae didn't even know how it would change Iris's mind but she did it anyway.

However her idea was cut short when she was atop a small bridge with a rode underneath. Hearing sirens, Rae looked to see a car drive past.

She looked at the drivers seat and saw Clyde Mardon, whom she had seen earlier that day.

She sighed and with a smile jumped off the bridge to the bottom rode, using her heightened speed to chase the car, causing gasps and whispers from the police crew near them.

Barry also saw Clyde, using his speed to chase after the car too. The difference from Rae, however, was that Barry jumped in the car and caused he car to flip over. Rae gasped and helped Barry out quickly.

"Rae?" He asked quietly. She nodded and told him to stay there.

"Hey, Mardon!" Rae, or Aphrodite, called, her voice enchanted to sound goddess-like voice.

Clyde turned and saw her, glaring at her causing the raven haired girl to mumble, "Shit."

Clyde began to make fog come around Rae and Barry, causing Barry to be confused and Rae angered that he got away again.

Rae, being lost in thought, didn't hear the explosion of a car. Barry hearing and seeing it, pulled Rae down with him and ran away to the grass. Looking back, both let out breaths.

"I gotta get back to STAR Labs to get healed. Will I see you soon?" Rae asked.

"Yeah. Yeah I just have to talk to Joe and Iris then I should be there." Barry said.

"Okay." Rae said, before running away in her speed.
Rae had been cleaned up and was back in her sports bra and leggings when a furious Barry walked in saying very loudly, "Rae and I weren't the only ones affected by the Particle Accelerator explosion, were we?"

They all looked up and Rae quickly put a lollipop in her mouth, not wanting to say anything.

"We don't know for sure." Dr. Wells said.

Lies, Rae thought. Rae knew that there were more. The 4 scientists had known about the 'meta-humans', of which Aphrodite had been fighting.

"You said the city was safe, that there was no residual danger." Barry stated, firmly.

Although Rae didn't like mad Barry, it was kinda hot. Rae's eyes widened at her own thought and quickly shook her head looking up at the conversation going on.

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