
18 3 0

  She rode on my wings,
shared her dreams,
and lit my life with such a glow.
I was her protector, teacher and friend,
and will be her mother until my end
I made a lot of mistakes not knowing the cost in the end,
I never intended to hand down the same shoes my mother handed me.
But I see that is what I did.
And crushing all her dreams.
It has been over four years since we have last spoken,
but never a day passes that I don't send my love to the stars above,
and ask for an Angel to open up their wings
and take my place and guide her to follow all her dreams.
She will always have a place in my heart that will never be replaced,
This is how a mother's love was always meant to be.
I hope that someday our paths will cross again,
and I can hold her in my arms
and tell her I understand better than she could ever know
I understand what I did in passing the shoes to her.
If I could take it all back, believe me I would.
But, for now it's out of my hands.

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