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I had to do it, I had to become the leader of the tribe, and nothing would get in my way!
It all started on the Saturday; myself and Angela were scavenging for water when we came across another tribe with twice as many people as us. We both went back to camp and told the Chief, he proposed that we take care of them, sort them out, meaning dispose, kill them.
I was frightened I didn't know what to do! But all I did do is make it worse!!!
"NO" I scream from the top of my lungs " We can't kill them, they are women, children. They don't deserve to die, no one does!"
"So do you want to die?" my brother Andy asks, " If we don't kill them then they will kill us, we need to get there first before we lose anyone else!"
That's how we lost our mother, about 5 years ago a tribe we trusted a tribe we thought we knew betrayed us, made us trust them, then turned against us, slaughtering us as we slept! My mother told all three of us, myself, Andy and Clark to stay put and that she would come back for us, she never did. When it was over and my father came to retrieve us he took us to the scene of many of our friends and our family, lying still, lying dead on the ground. One of those people been my mother.
Tears poured through our eyes and not a sole of the other tribe has ever been seen since, if we do come across them there will be serious consequences.

"This group, it could be them the one who killed Mother" Clark whispered in my ear.
I scream "I don't want to lose either of you, nor you chief, father please don't kill them!?"
"SILENCE! What do you suppose we do then..."
Ever since the world went bad our village has formed a tribe called the lace throats, don't ask my mum came up with the name, and now it's all we have to remember her. Even before the World ended my family were a huge part of the community and now we are an even bigger part, my father the chief my brothers are scavengers and soldiers and me, well I'm no one, my father says that my kind hearted and caring nature will get me killed and that I need to toughen up.
My brothers and father were already pretty mean before it began and me and my mother were just kinda there. Before it happened my mum was a nursery school teacher and I was a student along with my twin brother Clark, my other brother Andy didn't really do much, he was in a band and helped dad with his work when he could be bothered, my dad didn't really do much either all he did was build the houses on our street.
"PROPOSTEROUS, The last time we did that it got people killed!...
Leave, I don't want to see you for the rest of the night, and take your side kick with you!"
"come on Agatha, we were leaving anyway."
We decide to head to Agatha house, she has a secret room in her closet were we do all of our "scheming".
For about 10 minutes we sit in complete silence...
"I have to save these people" I announce “I need to overthrow my father!”

Agatha looks at me like she has seen a ghost, “ are you feeling okay, because I just thought I heard you say you are going to overthrow your father?!

That's right and I am okay,  here's what WE will do, and yes I did say WE, because you are my best friend. Tomorrow night when they are getting ready to leave you, I and some other kids that I can manage to persuade  will pretend to be sick, and of course we will need protecting and who better to protect us than the soldiers and the Chief. But if that doesn't work then there will be a protest!

A protest to save these people...

Oh my gosh who am I kidding, that will never work.

Here's an idea how about you talk to your dad, try and persuade him to hold it off for a few days, and tat will give them a chance to prove themselves. Or you could just leave it?

I think the first idea is best!&

The next morning...

I leap out of bed and head to my dad's room, surrounded by my brothers and a few more idiots.

I need to see chief it's very important! As I try and barge past them they hold me back, no one is permitted to enter, there's a contagious virus, Chief and a few other people have been infected.

I use all of my force to break past them. As I enter the room I see him, with swollen eyes and a white face. As I run to words him he shouts for me to step back and that I got what I wanted,  the expedition will be held back for a few days. I pretend to look upset, but inside I am very happy, not about  my dad feeling sick but about the slaughter been held back. As I exit the room Petunia stops me. Don't do  anything stupid. She says with a worried look in her eyes. I won't!& I reply crossing my fingers behind my back.

As soon as I leave the house I go straight to Agatha house. I don't even bother knocking on the door, I just barge straight in and head straight  to her room, burst through the door and shout at her to meet me outside in 5. As I'm literally sprinting back down the stairs I bang into Mitchel one of our friends since primary, Agatha has had a huge crush on him since the 4th grade, and now because all of the other girls have been eaten or turned into flesh eating monsters, he didn't really have much to go on.

I run straight past him but wonder why he isn't in his own house and why he has his shirt off, I didn't think much of it though because I kinda know it would happen some time soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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