Chapter 1

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"What were you afraid of?"

"That you forgot about me."

She smiled softly for a moment and looked at him, "You know I could never do that. You know me."

He nodded, "But I didn't know what was going on, I was really afraid."

"I was too," she took his hand, "But you're here now."

"That's true." He smiled. She looked at it, the smile she had wanted to see for so long.

"I'm sorry things aren't the way we wanted."

He looked at her, startled, "So? I'm in the same place as you. It's what I've wanted the most for so long."

"Me too," she says quietly. "But I know how much you wanted to do more."

"It's cute how much you care." She giggled. "But I'm with you, princess."

"Yeah," she pulled her knees close and rested her arms across them. They sat on the stoop outside the front door of her house. A cold November day typical to her, a little chillier for him though. He knew what to expect thanks to her. The stoop and walkway were clear of snow but the grass and bushes was covered in the pure white.

She loved that about this place, all the snow, the cold months, and the boots. Oh, how she loved that. She glanced at her pair of brown leather combat boots. She hoped she looked good for him; she was always concerned about the way she looked. Even with his constant reassurance, she was always making sure everything was "perfect" to him. She pulled her green hoodie tighter on her body.

He watched her. They sat only inches apart. He liked seeing her eyes flicker around, always looking for something to focus on. Anytime they were on him, he noticed, she kept her gaze in his eyes. Her breaths puffed out in white steam bursts, his were just like that.

"Are you cold?" he touched her face softly, her cheek cold, "You feel cold."

She smiled, he loved that he did that to her. She smiled every time he spoke. "A little."

He scooted closer and brought his arms around her, "Better?" he laughed.

"Real smooth, Romeo." She laughed with him. She snuggled in against him, "I suppose it is a bit better."

They were quiet again. It surprised both of them. In another world, they could talk nonstop but here, everything was different for them. They both knew that they didn't always need words. In this place, words didn't seem as though they belonged. Perhaps just the company of the other was what they had both always wanted since it all started.

He held her for hours it felt, but she knew they couldn't stay out here long. First, she was half frozen even with his body heat. But also because of her parents, they would come looking, which would ruin the first moment they have actually had alone.

She broke from the warmth he was giving to sit up and look at him. He looked at her, "Something wrong, baby?"

She shook her head. He stared at her still, unsure of what was going on in her mind. She was something else to him, a very different girl. She loved with her whole heart and while she was selfish about certain things, could be very selfless. Her friends mattered greatly to her, the few she had. He was her complete opposite, an outgoing, social boy.

He wanted to make her more social but in the last few days he'd learned more about her than he ever knew in the past year.

The world sunk away as she leaned towards him. She brought her hands to his cheeks. He put his hands at her sides and brought her in. He never wanted space between the two of them. He just wanted his girl with him at all times, and when he had his lips pressed against hers, he tried to show all of that. They held on, kissing with passion, with all the love they've wanted to give for so long.

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