chapter seven

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chapter 7

I turn around and see a silhouette, holding a sword.

"hello, jamie" HE says

"luke?" i say as i think to myself not again

"yeah, you must have been a genius to figure that out"

"shut up!"

"oh oh fiesty, looks like you'll put up a good fight" he says as he gets to a fighting satnce

"why luke? why are you doing this?"

"my master wants that ring" he says in an angry voice and charges at me. the ally is small and i coulndt jump out of the way so i ducked and luke flipped over me and landed in a pile of garabage. i picked up an empty garbage can and beat him, non-stop till i was tierd. i dropped the trash can and ran.


i ran into mr lutgers library and said

"i need a place to hide, now!"

"come with me" he says

he opens an old wooden door behind is desk and behing are stairs leading into nothing but darkness. he starts to head down but luke and my mom show up so he pushes me down, i amazingly dont fall, and slams the door. I hear the bell by his door ring and then i hear my moms voice say

"have you seen my daughter?" in a polite way

"no, mrs. solden"

"are you sure? i saw here walk in here"


"okay" says luke "you better tell us where the hell jamie is or youll be sorry."

"i dont know wear she is"

"alright then" my mother says "you forced  my hand

I hear nothing for a second then i hear

Thwap!! Thwap!! Thwap!!

then silence for a second then i hear my mom say

"alright he's dead"

DEAD?!?! no, he cant be he's the only person on my side.

Then i hear stomping stuff crashing around, falling you name it. then i hear the bell on the door ring and the door slam and silence. i waited for what felt like hours but it was only a couple of minutes. i open the door slowly, look through the crack, i dont see anyone and, i open the door. i see, in shock, mr lutger laying on the floor in a pile of blood. Laying on top of him was a giant book, the check out book, covered in blood.i kneel on the floor, close his eyes and start to cry. i think to myslef i WILL get them back for this. then, at that moment a girl my age walked in and when i saw the horror on her face i got up to explain.

"what happend?" she asked i told her what hapend "oh, im gonna miss him"

"me too" i said

she knelt down by him, kissed him, and got up

"oh, by the way who are you?' i ask

"im miranda, Miranda Lutger"

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