Chapter one

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May's POV

"You disgust me" my mother yelled as I ran out of the house.

You may be a bit lost. I'm May Kellin and I just came out to my family and unlike some, my parents weren't so excepting.

I had only recently gotten the courage to come out after hiding it for 6 years.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket while trying to wipe the tears that had began sliding down my face.

7:02 July 3rd

I didn't know what to do. The people I would always go to hate me.

I rounded the corner and ended up in the ice cream shop a few blocks away from my house. I walked in and sat down, not really wanting anything to eat just a place to sit.

I worked her a few days a week. Nothing major, just something to get me a little bit of cash.

As I'm sitting I pull out my phone, calling some of my friends for a place to stay. I called my close friend Brianna.

"Hey girl" she said as she picked up

"Hey, listen I really need a place to stay" I said bluntly

"Sorry I can't. My dads in town and I only see him this week. I'm really sorry" she said solemnly

"It's ok, call you later, bye" I sighed

I called a few more people, but all the answers were the same. No.

"Hey Jamie, could I stay at your house for a few days. I don't think it's a good idea for me to head home tonight." I said with no hope left in me

"Oh yes of course your always welcome here" she said in a rush "Where are you I'll come pick you up"

I tip her the address and hung up. I didn't have much, but it was better than nothing.

"Hey Viola can you get me on the schedule for my normal days only. I need to pick up another job" I sighed

"Oh of course honey" she smiled sadly

Viola was one of the older lady's that worked with me at the shop. She was a really kind person, always looking out for her co-workers.

"Thank you" I said before heading out of the shop.


Jamie came and picked me up a few minutes later. I filled her in on what happened at home and now I'm settled into the Hails household guest room.

A/N 407 words

Hey guys!! I hope you guys like this so far. Keep in mind it's unedited at the moment!!

Tell me what you think!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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