Let me take a selfie : Ana

69 7 6


"You better call Becky with the good hair."

Like bruhh.

Well, heyy... How you been buttercup?

I'm one of the admins;)

I'm 14, not turning 15 till like next year:)

Francisco Lachowski is my secret crush so keep that low-key..shh;)

Fave Shows:

»Brooklyn Nine-Nine
»The Big Bang Theory
»The Walking dead
»Pretty Little Liars
»Modern Family
»Teen Titians(the animated version;))
»Teen wolf

Basic Description:
Short[like no joke], Black hair, Glasses(Blind as hell) and cinnamon skin color.... I think...

I Cant pronounce Matthew Daddario, so I call him Matthew Doritos:)

I run for the ice cream truck🍦...Don't judge me:/


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