chapter 2

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Mary's P.O.V.

Damn this party is great! Plus my crush is here. I get so nervous, ugh. But at least I get to see his big brown eyes, and his white perfect smile, omg and his ha... "stop it, focus!" I said to myself before I even finished my thought. "Go talk to him you dork." said Alex. WHAT?! are you crazy?! "No I know what I'm saying go to him, say hi compliment & walk away." Walk away? I said confused. "Yes!" Didn't you get that from Drake and Josh? I said laughing a little. "Yeah so.. it might work you never know!" Ugh fine. I was heading towards a Jacob when some guy bumped in to me. "hey hey hey! don't you go to Mercedes High? he said smiling. Yes... do I know you ? "I have you for dave" Oh! I said embarrassed. "Yea... ill see you around." he said while he was leaving. Damn it, I felt so bad. Ugh. But back to Jacob! Btw where did he go.. Oh well... im fine... I guess. I went to look for Alex disappointed. "Did you do it?" No... I bumped into some kid and lost sight of Jacob.. "idiot!" Shut up not my fault! Although the guy wasn't ugly. 

Dave's P.O.V.

Bumped into her today... She didn't recognize me. Then again no one ever does. I fucking hate my life I swear. The girl of my dreams doesn't even recognize me. She is so perfect though. Her brown eyes, beautiful long eyelashes & her hair! Golden beautiful long hair. And she likes my favorite bands! She has to be mine!

Alex P.O.V.

Party was the best! Just like I imagined it. Amazing songs, that had amazing beats. Yes there was a DJ! It was fucking awesome I tell you. Oh! And they had pizza! I'm a  fatass... yes I know. "so I told you about my love life.. tell me yours" said my best friend.Wellllllllllll I only have eyes for one man, and that is Billie Joe Armstrong. ♥ " You are two funny! he will never notice you." Hey way to go, you are so encouraging! I said laughing & kind of sad knowing that she's right. Mary and I were skating back to my house. We were having a sleep over at my house. My dad was already asleep, so I quietly closed the door. I told Mary to take of her shoes so we make less noise. We got some snacks and went rushing upstairs. We ate luchables, takis, powerade & icecream. We were watching the movie Abduction. After it finished we were listening to All American Reject's album "when the world comes down". And we fell asleep to it.

Hope you guys like! Ill be updating soon. ♥

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