I wanted you there

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Now tell me am I alive or am I dead being born in darkness but through the darkness I see a light shining bright I look closer and all I see is you. Then I realize I fall for you I don't know why I feel this inside from the dark is a glow a glow of hope . you make it brighter and brighter my hope becomes higher . I can feel it my knife lowers my cuts vanish no scars for me to remember the past I've never felt this before .. All I SEE IS YOU you are inside my mind seeing what I think . all those thoughts of a knife and a gun ,but now I'm back I don't know how I'm able to go on but you keep me alive . If I ever go without a trace I will remember you if you remember me . I say the words with meaning everything I have said from death and depression is true. This world has a meaning but mine is you. No matter where I go or if I die I'll always have you on my mind. You where the only one to make me happy from birth to death. Even when we first met I didn't talk much ,but I remember every second of it. If I'm still alive I'll be there I'll be the shoulder you cry on the armor that protects you. If someone trys to hurt you if they even touch you the last thing they will here is the sound of a knife the same one that cut me. Stained with my blood but when I look at that knife I don't see red I see black I bleed black but you made my soul light keeping me from the darkness that hides inside. You are the shining light in the dark and the guide of an angel. I used to want my life to be end ,but you made me rethink all of those dumb decisions. The cuts are gone now my heart was mostly dark but you brought the light .

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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Dark Dark DepressionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang