The Way I Loved You

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Ugh great now I have to wake up early tomorrow for the first day of high school. I'm now in 10th grade but people say that I'm 'way too smart' to be in this grade..

*6:00 AM*

"Wake up and get ready for the first day. I can't be late or I'll miss seeing my friends in the morning!" My ass of a twin sister, Emma, said. "Okay! No need to tell me, my alarm kind of went off." I replied in a bad mood. "Whatever just get up and get ready Deanna." Emma said.

For the first day I decided to wear some black pants, a white tank top that had black moons on it, some white Toms, straightened my hair, and put a little mascara on. Ehh it's good enough for the first day.

*At school*

All I hear is screaming and 'OMG I haven't seen you in FOREVER!' All I can think is 'I bet you just seen her two weeks ago. Quit screaming.'

As I'm looking for my friend Sara some guy accidentally bumps into me and knocks me to the ground.

"Um can you watch where you're going next time?" I yell at him. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Do you want me to help you get up?" He says. "No I'm fine," I say, " I don't need your help, I can manage just fine."

As I start to get up I notice he's still standing there and my eyes meet his. "Well I'm Noah, by the way." "Oh. Well my name is Deanna." "Nice to meet you Deanna," Noah said with a smile on his face. "Yeah sure. You too I guess." I reply leaving to find Sara again.

Finally I find Sara after about five minuets of searching.

"Sara!" I yell for her since she's turned the opposite direction of me.

"Oh there you are Deanna! I was asking people if they saw you." Sara said with a faint smile.

"Oh.. Well Sara what classes do you have this year?" I ask hoping to get most of my classes with her.

"First period I have gym, second I have history, third I have algebra 2, fourth I have drama, fifth I have English, and sixth I have choir." Sara said happily.

"Sara?" I said in a low voice.

She replied, "yeah?"

"Um we have no classes what so ever together." I sad madly.

*Ring.. Ring..*

Ugh school has officially started.. I thought to myself.

"Well bye Deanna, I'll see you at break!" Sara said excitingly. "Yeah see you at break!" I said leaving to my first class.

When I got to my first class, which was English, I noticed that the guy I bumped into earlier was in that class, too. I think Noah was his name.

As I sit down I hear voice on the side of me asking "Can I sit here, next to you?" Without looking I said, "Yeah of course." Thinking it was that guy Noah from earlier.

"Well my name is Jonathan. What's your name?" The guy asked. That was the first time I looked at him since he asked if he could sit next to me.

"My name is Deanna." I said shyly. I mean how could I not be shy, he was gorgeous.

"Well nice to meet you Deanna and since I'm going to be sitting here, I might as well get to know you, right?" Jonathan said with a sly smile.

"Right. Might as well but, do you mind if I call you John?"

"Of course not." Jonathan replied.

Jonathan's POV

I seen this beautiful girl walk in and sit down at the closest seat. "Can I sit here, next to you?" I asked kind of nervously. "Yeah of course." The gorgeous girl said. 'Well that was easy..' I thought to myself.

"Well my name is Jonathan. What's your name?" I asked trying to make small conversation. That was the first time that she looked up at me. Let me tell you one thing, her eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. They're bright blue.

"My name is Deanna." She said with a shy smile.

"Well nice to meet you Deanna and since I'm going to be sitting here, I might as well get to know you, right?" I said.

"Right. Might as well but, do you mind if I call you John?" Deanna asked.

"Of course not." I replied.

"Okay goo-" Deanna said, getting cut off by some guy.

"Well look who's in my first class." The rude guy hissed.

Deanna's POV

"Okay goo-" I said, getting cut off by, not just any guy, it was Noah.

"Well look who's in my first class." Noah said rudely as he walks up to me.

"Uh, excuse me, I was kind of talking to my friend, John, here. You can just leave now." I rudely replied.

"Why, I can't sit on the other side of my bumping buddy?" Noah said with a smirk on his face.

"First of all I'm not your 'bumping buddy', I don't even know you, and second of all no." I replied, hoping he would go away.

"C'mon I don't know anyone except some other girl in this class and she's really annoying and plus I ran into you this morning, you know me." Noah said trying to convince me.

"Okay fine." I said rolling my eyes, turning back to John.

"Well hello everyone. My name is Ms. Hawkins and I'm your English teacher." The teacher said with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Ms. Hawkins!" The class said sounding happy. I don't know why they would be excited.

"Okay since today is the first day of scho-," is all I heard before getting a note passed from John.

'Hey :)' is all it said. 'Hi :D' I write back passing the note, feeling secretive. 'This class is boring -.-' John wrote. 'John it's the first day, it's not going to be exciting xD' I wrote down. 'Haha whatever.. This is kind of weird because I just met you, but can I have your number? C:' John gave me a smile while passing the note. I wrote back, 'Yeah, give me your hand.'

I gave the note to him, he read it, then gave me his hand. I wrote down my number and he smiled.

"Alright, I'll text you at break." John said, kind of whisper yelling.

"Can I have your number, too?" Noah asked then winked, of course having to ruin things.

"Will you stop annoying me?" I asked rudely.

"Um possibly. I don't know it depends." Noah said.

"Ugh whatever, give me your hand." I told Noah.

"No need to be-" Noah said before getting cut off by the bell to go to second period. I guess all of us were talking a little too much.

"Yeah yeah Noah. Oh, John, what's your second period?" I asked, smiling.

John replied, "I have gym with Mr. Gabhart. What about you?"

"I have the same." I said.

"You want to walk with me?" John asked.

"I'd love too." I said, on our way out the door.

Just then I realized his cheeks turned a little pinkish. I found that adorable.

John's POV

"Yeah yeah Noah. Oh, John, what's your second period?" Deanna asked, giving me an adorable smile.

I replied, "I have gym with Mr. Gabhart. What about you?"

"I have the same." Deanna said.

"You want to walk with me?" I asked, kind of shyly.

"I'd love too." Deanna said, while we were on our way out the door.

I could feel my cheeks get a little red. It's crazy that a girl I barely met an hour ago can make me blush. 'Okay I really need to stop acting like a girl' I said to myself in my mind.

We got stopped by one of her friends on our way to gym, I told her I was going to keep walking and that I'll see her in gym and as I was about to take another step to leave she grabbed my arm and she asked me to stay with her real fast, so I did.

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