Chapter the Fourth

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He did not call for three days. Christine tried her best to feign nonchalance as she received a number of callers, ignoring the pitfall in her stomach when the card did not bear his name.

Kit, thankfully, noticed nothing amiss, busying himself with both his and Christine's marital matters.

On the third day, a dove flew into her sitting room, dropping an ivory card onto her lap. The bird found a perch on the back of the couch, waiting. The lettering on the card shifted and shimmered from pinks to oranges. It sang in a silvery voice, "Madame Serena Moreau."

Christine's figures ran over the lettering. She marvelled at the magic use. It had not once crossed her mind to apply her arts to something as trivial as her calling cards.

Wastrel rushed in, his neat hair askew. "Miss Downing, you have a guest, a--"

"Madame Serena Moreau," finished Christine. "Do escort her in, Wastrel."

But, the lady needed no direction. She swept into the sitting room but a moment later. Christine did not notice her fine sapphire gown or the matching pendant at her neck at first. She was drawn, instead, to the lady's skin, a shade close to her own. Christine never had the pleasure of seeing many with her skin tone. They simply did not frequent the streets of Mayfair. To be sure, the truly fashionable had their Negro servants, but she never spoke to any of them.

"I'm afraid you have the advantage of me, Madame Moreau. Unless we have met before and I have forgotten. I am certain I'd not forget such an event."

Madame Serena Moreau frowned, her wide mouth tipping downwards. "Then Lord Ramsey has not spoken of me?"

"A-Adrien?" croaked out Christine. She shook her head. "He has not."

"We are friends," she explained. "I am an Enchantress in all but title. Lord Ramsey has spoken much of you to me and promised to introduce us. I am afraid my curiosity got the best of me."

"I believe I upset him the other evening. I have not seen him since the night Brackenheath's heir died."

"I do not believe that Ramsey bothers himself with emotions such as that. In any case, I must apologise for arriving unannounced."

"I think we are allowed some wildness every once in awhile. I will not tell a soul that we were not properly introduced."

"I have come with a purpose. Lord Ramsey had extolled your magic prowess and believes you may enjoy meeting with a group of like-minded women."

Christine leaned forward in her seat. "A society? A secret society? A secret magic society?" It was the makings of a dream. She had never heard of such a group designed for women. Of course, one did not write books about secret societies.

"We call ourselves Les dames du cercle rose. There are only five of us. You would be our sixth. The other members are keen on you joining."

The Ladies of the Rose Circle, thought Christine. It certainly had a beautiful yet mysterious ring to it. "I would be honoured to join. When do you meet?"

"I cannot just tell you, Miss Downey. It will arrive when the moon is high three nights hence." Serena replied, dark eyes twinkling. "We strive to be as mysterious as possible."

"As any secret society should." Christine clapped her hands together. "Oh, I am so pleased."

"Lord Ramsey had expected as much. Do tell him I have done my duty when you see him next. But I have stayed too long. I will see myself out. Expect our summons." Madame Serena Moreau rose to her feet and departed, leaving Christine jittery with excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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