The Meadow

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The meadow, quite known for its paranormal activity is located in the south of Netherlands. The death of Mahogany brought the wonderful sight to disastrous consequences which were first reported in 1944-

I switched off the recording and laid on my bed facing the ceiling above me as I thought of how to spend my summer vacation. And just then, it hit me. Why don't I visit the meadow? I jumped off my bed and turned on my laptop, and ran down to the kitchen to grab some snacks. I can't help it if I can't work on an empty stomach.

At the same moment, I heard my phone ringing and the caller was Rachel. I picked up my phone ignoring her and ran to my room. I switched off my phone and continued on my mission to find the perfect buddy to spend my vacation with.

I ended up inviting Sarah and her boyfriend Shawn. The both were daredevils and visiting the meadow with them was going to be fun. They were definitely up for the challenge and we were going there the next day.

I packed up all the items necessary and at approximately 8 in the morning, we left for Netherlands. The bus we needed to catch was scheduled to leave at 12 and by the time we reached, it was around 10.

I heard that there was a celebrity on tour there but didn't know who it was. We spent the time walking around and shopping. We didn't have much luggage so it was easy for us to move around without worrying about our belongings. We boarded the bus and it was a 2 hours ride to the hotel where we were to stay.

"The time right now is 3:00 pm and Karin and Shawn are accompanying me to the meadow," Sarah said facing the camera. She wanted to record every single move we make so that she could post it on youtube.

We got into the car we rented earlier today and left for the meadow.

About 20 minutes later, we reached the meadow and started unpacking our belongings and set up the tent. We set up some cameras all over the meadow at all the spots we thought were suspicious.

By the time we finished setting up all our materials, the sky had a blanket of darkness over it, filled with stars. we laid in awe watching the stars until we heard an engine roaring from afar.

Not sure of who it was, each of us carried a flashlight and hid behind few trees with medium sized, sturdy branches as our weapons.

We slowly crept up on the driveway, encountering the vehicle which seemed to be a bus. Two people standing outside in black suits with guns. Sarah recorded every single move of our which made me feel quite uncomfortable.

The people inside slowly came into view and everything was fine until I felt an unfavorably cold, foreign material touch my skin, having the hair on my neck stand up.

"Hands Up" I heard a quite manly voice and followed his instruction, turning around to face him.

Each one of us had a man behind us aiming guns at us. We were instructed to reached the bus and were soon shoved inside. We were seated next to each other on a bunk and near us was a gigantic bag full of makeup items.

"Who are you and state your business here." A man wearing a suit and tie asked taking a seat on the bunk in front of us.

"I'm Sarah, this is Shawn my boyfriend and this is Karin my friend We came here on vacation for 3 days and were filming a documentary on the meadow. This was Karin's plan." Sarah blurted out.

"The meadow? Aren't you afraid of staying, it's almost night time right now." The man asked rather alarmed.

"Well, we wanted to see if this placed was haunted or not," Shawn replied.

"They seem to be quite adventurous." A voice said, we turned around and found a couple approaching us.

Out of nowhere, we felt the bus shake tremendously. We rushed out of the bus. Shawn started panicking about the ghost of Mahogany. I literally felt like whacking him.

As soon as we evacuated the bus, everything went downhill. Out of nowhere, it started to rain and I could sense a storm coming up.

"It has been one hour since our last encounter with the vehicle. It is currently raining and-" the camera suddenly started producing a weird sound as Shawn and Sarah recorded the events.

I saw footsteps forming on the freshly wet grass and saw no one else there. As soon as it stopped raining, each one of us grabbed a torch and set out to find the bodyguards. I told them about the footprints and Shawn and Sarah definitely freaked out.

We saw a house downhill and entered it. It was broken and the floorboards creaked with every step. Fascinatingly the windows were in good condition. There were couches, a coffee table and also a few chairs aligned with the walls.

Sarah and Shawn filmed the rest of the trip with the spare camera. The couple stayed close by.

We saw trail marks of blood as though someone or something was dragged to the kitchen. We followed the trail and found a girl with her hair covering her face holding the hand of one of the bodyguards and nibbling on it. The kitchen floor was covered in the blood of the bodyguard and on the wall was nailed the other. Terrified of the scene, the woman screamed. The gurl turned her head towards us and out of nowhere wind gushed through and her hair flew out of her face.

It was Mahogany! She stood up and floated over the blood as she approached us. I stood there in awe and forgot that we were supposed to run in such an encounter. Shawn tugged on my arm and brought me to my senses.

We ran up the stairs and hid in one room. It had an eerie feeling to it as though it was made-up like a booby trap. There were many paintings hung on the wall with weird stories. One which caught my eye was on the left of a closet in front of the door.

It showcased a girl and a boy standing in front of a window and you could see ghostly hands much like skeletons with a gaseous layer around it appearing outside the window.

Foolish as I was, I touched it and out came Mahogany. The man tried opening the door but it was jammed. The room transformed into a white cube shaped room. She transformed herself into a much human like form. She was the girl from the painting!

"Why are you here? To watch me suffer for revenge? Jared and I have suffered enough leave us alone." She said.

"Jared, who is he?" Sarah asked.

"My brother. I guess the truth never reached the world." she said with a sigh.

"My name is Mahogany, I was named such because of my hair color. Jared and I had an uncanny connection with the other world. The painting which you touched was our portal. We had gotten so close that one day they killed Jared and blamed it on my parents and I believed them. I didn't have a very good relation with my parents. One day when I went to visit the other world, I heard the leader talking to my parents about killing me. I learned that they killed Jared so that they could enter our world. They saw me and killed me as a sacrifice to the great evil. It has been years since I last saw anyone enter. My parents covered up the real story with a fake one saying that I was killed during a fire."

Suddenly, the room transformed back to original.

"They are coming. Hurry, and leave instantly. Don't look back no matter what once you leave." she said in a hushed tone.

We did as she said packed up everything as fast as possible and left to the highway. We got help from some citizens and never came back since.

That incident left a mark in our life and one day I will find a way to free Mahogany.

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