11 • Mysterious Unsaid Words

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11th · Mysterious Unsaid Words

Finn had been ignoring Tammy for the past few days and I was afraid of how the outcome of this would affect me.

I tried helping Tammy as much as I could but in the least obvious way possible so that Finn wouldn't get mad at me again.

I fell a step behind whenever we passed by Tammy. I discreetly add Tammy into Finn and I's conversation. I purposely request us to pass by the achievements and trophies of St. Oakes's athletes to show Finn all of Tammy's achievements.

See? I was helping.

But Finn wasn't helping me. Instead, he continued to do to the opposite of what I'm expecting from him. Even if Finn doesn't seem to be the type who'd fall in love quickly, isn't that just how every love story starts?

You become friends first, then start developing feelings and eventually find love. The only difference in every love story is the people involved, especially their personalities.

"You've become unusually quiet," Finn noted.

I looked up from my notebook to see Finn staring at me with, once again, a straight face, but with a pair of concerned eyes. I chuckled. "Oh, little Finn. I know it's odd for me to see me all quiet and all, but I'm fine. Don't you know? I'm almost always fine."

Finn gave me a doubtful look. "Natalie, are you sure?"

I chuckled once again. "Wow, it's so amusing to see Cold Prince, Finn Weldon, worry for my mental health. What happened? Did a fairy visit you last night and show you your past, present and future?"

He snorted, which caught me off guard but made me smile. "Pfft, I'm not the character from A Christmas Carol."

"Uh-huh," I replied, nodding. Since the conversation ended that way, I looked around to avoid awkward eye contact.

Finn was never always the type to start up conversations, but I didn't mind. I liked that he didn't try to force up a conversation just to avoid the awkwardness. He liked it just as it is.

"Okay, class, settle down." A teacher then entered the classroom, putting down the stack of books he carried with him onto the teacher's table. "I'm going to hand out pieces of paper and I want you to fill it out. It's a student profile."

The class president stood up and retrieved the papers from the teacher and passed it around.

I received mine and clicked my pen so I could begin filling up all the blank spaces.

There were boxes that asked for our parents' jobs, ages and contact number. I filled those as well. Once everything was filled up, I saw the class president wait by the sides, waiting for everyone to complete writing theirs.

Some were done, so he collected theirs. He made his way from the first row's, heading to the back and collecting the papers from the back to the front of my row.

I handed him mine and accidentally caught a glance at the paper before mine, which was Finn's, and saw something surprising.

Mother's name: Myra Paulo.


I wanted to ask him about it, but I didn't have the courage to. As we walked down the hallways to get to the canteen, all I wanted to ask Finn was why he put another name on the mom option. Wasn't his mom's name Leah? Who's this Myra all of a sudden?

I opened my mouth to ask him but closed it back, the words unable to flow out. I was curious all of a sudden because I realized no matter how close I thought we were, I realized there were still so many things I didn't know about him. This Myra Paulo is one. Never have I heard him mention this lady before.

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