Chapter Two

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•Sarah's Point Of View•
Angel and I sat down in a seat in the back, me being beside the window. I laid my head on the cold glass window, sighing as the coldness hits my cheek. The bus finally comes to a stop in front of the school. We get off the bus, walking inside and going to homeroom. I part ways with Angel since we have different classes. I walk to my locker, putting in the combination to put my books in. I open the locker and put my books in, grabbing my pencil pouch and my Maths textbook for first period. I walk back into homeroom, sitting in my seat and doodling on the desk.
        •Skip school•
I walk to my locker, Angel and some of her friends following behind me. I open my locker with the combination and grab my bag. I stuff my books and pencil pouch inside it. I shut my locker and lock it. I turn to face Angel and say "Are you walking home with me, or are you staying with them?". She decides to go with them, great i'm walking home alone now. I throw my bag on my shoulder and walk outside. I walk on the pavement, kicking stones along the way. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable, almost like i'm being watched. I turn around and look. "Calm down Sarah, it's nothing", I tell myself, turning back around. I see movement from the corner of my eye. I turn towards the bushes and see a man in a blue jumpsuit, and a white mask with brown hair. I sigh, it must be one of the neighborhood kids wanting to prank people. "Fuck off jackass", I say, i'm not in the mood for this shit. He stares at me, turning his head to the side. "What are you looking at freak, get lost!", I yelled at him. I sighed and crossed the street. I started walking at a fast pace away from him.  

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