Chapter Four

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"This is actually the place for Royals." - Seiichi A. Yasahiro


Chapter Four: Ramunaka

Like what does the previous chapter said, the place where do our characters live is called Ramunaka. Legends say that it is the land of Royals. There are two twin gods who created this island, the Yasahiro brothers. The island was created beyond the islands that surrounds the Amazon River. Most likely, beside those islands.

Yasahiro brothers created this island due to the bored lives. They are gods remember. They want something new and lively so they did this island, the first island. The Ramunaka. It took several centuries on making this island and giving it a name. They they decided to divide the island.

The brothers divided the island into three parts: the Upper Ramunaka, the Middle Ramunaka and the Lower Ramunaka. Each parts has four locations, the east, south, north and west. The Upper Ramunaka is consist of  aristocratique people whom all wealthy families do live. The aristocratiques families are families that owns a large companies, casinoes, exalted museums and even restaurants that become famous all over the world. 

The south part of the Upper Ramunaka is ruled by the vers' le Sud family. This family is known for being the best cooks all over the world. Each member of their family know how to cook as all of them have a lot of rewards. In fact, they have 5 five-star restaurants that they own and a cooking school where do, obviously, they teach how to cook. They had a great influence in cooking until all of the citizens of south Upper Ramunaka will become a cook. 

The Upper Ramunaka's west part is vested by the vers' L'ouset. They are noted as the best artists all over the world. They are the one who staked large famous museums as they display their masterpieces inside as it is the crux of their money. Like the south family, vers' L'ouset had their personal school, the university of arts. 

Le Orient was the promising tacticians as the are the one who's absolute at the north part of the Upper Ramunaka. They were handling 8 large companies that are known all over the world. Each head of the families are the CEOs. They don't have schools like the previous families that lives in the Upper Ramunaka like them. They were holding different events that are related about critical thinking such as board games tournaments, sports tournaments and an online simulation game tournaments every week. 

The last and the most felicitous family of all family in the Upper Ramunaka, the Le Nord. They are the best family. All of the members were very good at arts, cooking and a prodigal tacticians and they are commonly known as the prodigious gamblers. The head of the family was a notorious gambler and he is always winning games in casinoes. He ended up creating his own casino company. 

The Middle Ramunaka is the place where do the Nakamuras, Avaros and other characters located. They are one of la moyenne or la bourgeoisie. These families are prioritizing the level of their education and they have the ability to own their own schools or universities but still they are not an aristocratiques. There are no families ruling each part of it.

The last part, the Lower Ramunaka, is the most nasty place in the island. It was dwell by thugs. There are four golden pre-leader  as they are the on who represented and ruled the four parts of the Ramunaka. Each pre-leader has their own crew and they are known as TKKH for short. 

On south, it is ruled by a muscular man with reddish-orange hair that is pushed back out of his face and is the tallest of them all. He is the 2nd head of Sleipner gang. He is also known as the Reigning Thug. He is Taka Hideyoshi. The most powerful thug among the other heads of the other gangs. He is the King of Thugs. All of the low class goons were afraid of dealing with him as he is a real deal.

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