Chapter 10

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I can’t help but wonder at the confidence in Callum’s stride as he makes for the gate. The men outside stiffen dangerously as he nears them, but he doesn’t seem the least bit fazed as he walks over, and speaks to them. I can’t quite make out the words, but their eyes slide over me as Callum talks, and then they nod curtly and stand by. One of them grins at him, almost…approvingly.

Wait a second…

“Callum?” I say uneasily. “How did – “

He doesn’t even let me finish. “Come on, Arielle,” he snaps, with sudden, uncharacteristic impatience, and then he reaches out and seizes my wrist, dragging me unceremoniously inside.

“Wait,” I gasp, my mind scrambling to get around this. “Callum - !” But it’s too late; I can hear the click of the gate as it swings neatly back into place.

“Callum,” I say, trying to sound firm and cool. “What’s going on?”

He smiles at me, hands thrust deep into his pocket, one foot jiggling impatiently. “Nothing, Arielle,” he says, almost soothingly. “Will you relax?”

“I – “

I’m cut short by the sound of footsteps – well, to say footsteps would be an understatement. It’s the sound of several feet pounding against the stone, coupled with shouts that echo off the walls. Two seconds, that’s it, and we’re surrounded by more black-clad guards.

My head is spinning. “You…you didn’t,” I gasp. “Callum – you wouldn’t – “

He rolls his eyes. “You, Arielle, are the picture of naivety, you know that?”

All I could do was stare. And wonder how I could have been so stupid. So terribly, ridiculously stupid.

“Some guy you’ve known for about one morning,” he continues, “some completely random guy turns up and offers to take you to the enemy – to save your mother – “ his voice shakes with laughter, and a couple of the men surrounding me chuckle with him – “and what do you do? You jump at the chance.” He shakes his head, smirking. “It was too easy.”

No. It’s not true. He’s my friend…he’s Rudy’s friend…

And then I remember what Rudy told me, way back when I found out Mom was alive – Callum hasn’t been here forever, you know. He came after his parents died…they were murdered –

My head snaps up to look at him, and I stare into his face in horror. They were murdered…by a rogue Shifter, we think. The murderer was never found.

“No,” I breathe. “You wouldn’t have.”

Callum rolls his eyes. My God, she’s stupid. I can practically hear the words run through his mind. “You have no idea what I would and wouldn’t do, Arielle, so stop acting like you know me.” He glances around impatiently. “And where is Auberon, anyway? I sent him a message. He can’t expect us to do his dirty work and then stand around waiting like – “

“ – like some good-for-nothing idiot?” interrupts a smooth voice, and a new man steps forward. He’s tall, well built, fair-haired and blue-eyed, and dressed in black just like the rest of them; he’s adjusting a cufflink as he speaks. “A few days ago I might have called you just that, Callum – however…” He pauses, letting his eyes over me instead. I can feel him sizing me up. “However,” he continues, “you seem to have succeeded in your offer. She does have the key?”

“Of course she does,” snaps Callum. “Show them, Arielle.”

I just stand there. It seems like that’s all I can do now, just stand there and watch and listen to Callum and what he’s become – no. What he is. What he has been all along. This isn’t happening.

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