Twenty Five - Final Chapter

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1 Month, 2 Weeks

James' POV

According to Austin we have been here for a month and two weeks, that's a long time when you're stranded on an island and have no way to tell the time or what day it is. On the brighter side that means it's been over a month since me and Tristan started dating, after finding out why he had been so quite I did everything I could to make him feel loved and that I wouldn't leave him. I still find it hard to believe he thought he wasn't good enough for me, has he seen himself? He's the definition of jaw dropping, I'm the lucky one being with him. I just want to kiss all his insecurities away and show him he's amazing in my eyes, I can't prove to him that he's perfect because does perfect really exist? I can make him believe that's he's the next best thing, as long as he knows I'll never leave him for someone else. When he told me he couldn't sing I wanted to slap him- obviously not in a mean hard way, but just to help him realise how talented he is. I mean has he heard himself rap? And the way he plays the drums, I get mesmerised. He thought he was weird because he was so skinny but in reality he's lucky when he eats he doesn't put on weight, it's part of who he is. I could stay here and rant about him for months, but they'd probably kill me for being so annoying.

Then there's Nate, Drew and Levi or Drevate as we like to call them. It's rare to see polyamory relationships now a days, yet they make it work so well. It's like no matter what they never leave anyone out- or that's what I can see anyway. Their love is shared equally and that's an amazing thing to see with their relationship, I hope they last. It's cute, I'm happy for them. Though Nate is gunna have to deal with them teasing him about his spelling and grammar once we leave this island which I know we will.

That leads me onto Austin, That boy deserves some sort of reward. He's held the group together so well, he's managed to keep us grounded and still make everyone happy. It seems like this hasn't affected him much, that or he just wants to put us first. I don't know what we'd do if Austin wasn't with us, probably go crazy. He's helped me and Tristan save our relationship, he's helped; Nate, Drew and Levi, and he's helped bronnor. We have to plan something massive as a thank you for him, he deserves it. Always reminding us that we will leave and to have hope.

Finally Bronnor, Those two Idiots. After literally forcing me and Tristan to kiss they can't even realise their own feelings. I reckon I should repeat what Brad said to me, or knock some sense into him. After his 'break down' aka shouting at Connor telling him that 'he wished he never joined the band' I think it showed how much of an Impact Connor had on him. You could see he was confused at how to feel towards Connor, he clearly likes the younger boy he just won't admit it. Then Con, the victim of the 'argument'. He didn't or doesn't know the feelings he causes Brad, he must have been so confused. Next thing we know Brad found him in a ditch, I still see him limping around slightly. I think he's done something to his foot, I hope it's nothing serious. They are the typical love story of two teens loving each other and not realising it, I might just force them to kiss and see if it works. That's actually a good Idea.

Nate's POV

I stare at the sky seeing it clear of clouds, if the temperature rises again I might just cry. That was hell to deal with, at least it rained when it did. So a month and 2 weeks, it's been a good while since me, Drew and Levi became a polyamory couple obviously not the sexual type. I've only just gotten over that- nope I lied I still can't believe it. I wonder what my family would think, I think my mother would be surprised if anything. I mean I have known Drew for years we were practically brothers and here I am dating him, once I get over that I think I'll be fine.

I wonder if our families are out there looking for us, I hope so. I miss them all, especially the dogs. I don't even care about a bed and food anymore I just want my family. I will see them again, we'll leave this island. We'll be able to tell everyone our story of our time here and everything will be okay, hopefully I'll still have Drew and Levi. And hopefully we can continue our music career.

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