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Autumn had been obsessed with words since she was little. It was one of her many talents. Whilst at school she tried to refrain from using 'fancy' words, as her peers would call her a freak. Little did they know, was that she was instantaneously thinking of around fifty synonyms for the word freak.
But one day, someone took a fascination to Autumn. He believed that she was gifted, whilst others believed that she belonged in a mental asylum.

Autumn clutched her ring-binder close against her chest. She absent-mindlessly strolled down the music corridor. The reason she was there was to leave a note for the music teacher. As she approached the door she knocked politely and entered.
"Sorry to disturb you but-"
Promptly she finished as she realised that nobody was there.
She gave an exasperated sigh and left the note on the teacher's desk.

As she turned around to leave, something caught the corner of her eye. A guitar.
Autumn had always wanted to play the guitar. Instead, she played the violin. She was an impressive violinist, but she didn't have the same passion as she felt towards guitar.
It can't be much different than the violin...
Autumn thought to herself.
One little go couldn't hurt anyone.

Carefully, she lifted the guitar and began plucking the strings. She knew a couple of chords, as she had learnt them in music class.
Quietly, she hummed along with the chords. She began to loose herself in the music as she heard someone barging in.

Instinctively, Autumn jumped, dropping the guitar onto the floor.
"What are you doing?!" A boy demanded.
Autumn recognised him, she believed that he was part of her science class. He had a curly mop of brown hair and mesmerising blue eyes. Although she had noticed him before, she struggled to remember his name.
"That's my guitar," he stated, still waiting for an answer.
"I'm really sorry," she mumbled as she bit her lip. "I thought it belonged to the department."
He looked at her with furrowed brows.
"You're in my science class, right? You're names Fall or something?"
"Autumn." She answered through gritted teeth.
"Well, I'm gonna call you Fall," he stated, not giving her a choice.
She guessed that she owed him, after all she did almost break his guitar.

The boy sat on a stool, attempting to tune his guitar.
"Why are you even in here?" He asked curiously.
"I had to give a note to Mr Beattie before I left."
He nodded, approving her answer.
Whenever he finished tuning the guitar, he began to play 'Hey, Soul Sister' to check if it was tuned correctly.
I knew when we collided
You're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind

He began to sing a few lyrics along with the chords. He promptly finished, blushing a little, as he noticed Autumn staring at him.
"You've got a mellifluous voice." She said, trying to break the silence.
"Melli-what?" He scrunched up his nose in confusion.
"Erm, never mind." She said quickly, feeling embarrassed that she'd used a 'fancy' word.
"No, tell me," he instructed. "Consider it a gift for almost breaking my guitar."
"Mellifluous," she stated. "It's a smooth and sweet sound, that's pleasant to hear.
He stared at her for a few seconds, "You're a strange girl, Fall."
"I prefer the term 'Orphic," She smirked.

Autumn expressed to the boy how much she wanted to learn guitar. "One day," she smiled, "I'll be playing in some big arena, and you'll be there in the crowd, and I'll say I told you so."
The boy simply laughed this off.
"If you really want to play guitar so badly, I'll teach you."
Autumn's green eyes lit up. "Really?" She asked excitedly.
"I guess, yeah?" He smirked.
Autumn immediately hugged the boy, squeezing him a little.
"Sorry," she blushed. The two burst out in laughter.

They arranged to meet each other in the music room the following week. The boy slung his guitar over his back and began walking out the door as Autumn collected her bag.
"Bye Fall," he called as he exited.
"Wait!" She screeched before he left. "One more thing, what's your name?"
He looked back at her, "Levi, Levi Jones."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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