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Jimin's childhood was the complete opposite of Yoongi's. His was full of rainbows and unicorns. His parents loved him, he had many friends, and he had a wonderful childhood.

"Jimin!" his friend Jackson yelled running after him. "Damn, didn't even want to wait for me," Jackson joked and pushed his friend lightly. "Sorry, I was in a rush this morning," Jimin said.

"Did you hear about Finding Dory? I don't care what you say, you, Mark, and I are going to see it," Jackson said as they walked into first block. "Finding Nemo was the shit, of course we're going to see it," Jimin said and smiled at his friend. "Okay class, settle down," the teacher said as he walked into the room. The room fell silent. "I'm going to call roll now, you all know the drill," Mr. Kim said and started calling.

He got to the last name and the room fell silent once again. "Min Yoongi," he said. No response. It wasn't that people didn't like Yoongi, of course they did. They just thought he was..odd. He didn't have many friends (really, he only had one named Amber) and to the kids there, it was very uncommon. Everyone just wanted to solve the huge mystery behind the one and only Min Yoongi. Especially Jimin.

Jackson and Mark used to find it quite weird how intrigued he was with the small boy, but they got used to it. Jackson knew Yoongi a tiny bit, seeing as he knew Amber, so he can understand why Jimin wanted to figure him out. He did too, but not as much as everyone else. Considering Mark was fairly new, he had just recently moved to Busan from Los Angeles, he didn't understand the whole fascination with him. Yoongi was quite grateful that he had never bothered him with questions.

"All right, I take it he isn't here," Mr. Kim said and put down the clip board. Jimin sighed, looking down at his notes. I hate this, he thought and grabbed one of Jackson's pens, seeing as he was too lazy to get his own.

Once class was over they went into the cafeteria. As he was walking to his table he started to hear little whispers about the one and only Min Yoongi. "I hear he didn't come today cause he was too depressed," some girl said. "If that's true, I feel really bad for him," the other girl said and they started eating their food. Jimin frowned, he hoped that wasn't true.

"Yah! Jackson give it back," Amber yelled at Jackson, trying to get her pack of tofu back. "Not until you say 'Jackson oppa is the best in the whole wide world,'" he said, putting it higher in the air. "You're not my oppa shit face," she said finally standing up and getting it from him. Jimin giggled at Jackson's pout. "Yeri wouldn't treat me like this," he said referring to Amber's younger step-sister.

"Hm, I wonder why. Oh, maybe it's because you are actually her oppa," Amber said. "Shh," Mark said shushing them. "Boy, who do you think you are shushing your noo-," Amber started, eventually being cut off by Mark again. Once Mark was done with whatever he was doing on his phone he apologised to Amber. She and Jackson went back to bickering.

Jimin tuned them out, his mind too focused on the mint haired boy. "Hey, Amber noona?" Jimin asked causing them to shut up right away. "Hm?" she said while shoving rice in her mouth. "Have you heard the rumours about Min Yoongi? Do you know if there is any truth to them?" he asked. The table fell silent and she swallowed her rice. "Yeah, I have. And why do you wanna know?" she asked, raising a brow at him. She gasped, "You like him?"

He rolled his eyes. "Answer the question, noona," he said and she sighed. "Jimin, he hasn't told me anything about why he isn't here. Even if he did I wouldn't tell you. Somethings should remain a secret," she said. He nodded. "I just wanna know if he's okay," Jimin said, shoving some kimchi in his mouth. "It's sweet that you care, but I'll tell you one thing about him; he doesn't like sympathy. Never has and probably never will. Keep that in mind if you woman up and actually talk to him," she said. That was the last they talked about before continuing with their day.

By the time school was out, Jimin was exhausted. It was almost five, and he was hungry again. The group of friends said their goodbyes and parted ways. As he was walking home he saw the group of kids in his world history class. He sighed for probably the hundredth time that day. I need to quit sighing, he thought and walked into his driveway, eventually reaching the door. He looked back and saw them all walk in, not to be seen again for that night.

He realised that might have looked stalker-ish to some one who didn't know why he was doing it. The kid that lives in that house, Jeon Jungkook, was related to, you guessed it, Min Yoongi. He sat his bag down by the door and took his shoes and blazer off. "Dad! I'm home," he called out.

"Hey hyung," Jimin's younger brother, Jiseok, said as he walked into the kitchen. "I'm offended you guys didn't wait for me," he chuckled as he sat down in a chair.

"Sorry, you know how long it takes to make this," his dad laughed as he stirred the noodles. "Nice apron dad," Jimin said smirking at his father's apron. It was a light blue with pink frills on the sides with white pockets, which had a wooden spoon in one and chopsticks in the other. "I'll have you know this was hand crafted by the nice lady who owns the boutique down the road," he said waving his spoon as he turned around a bit to look at Jimin and Jiseok. "The one that has the minivan and the white soccer mom haircut who probably says 'don't talk to me or my kids ever again' when some one accidentally bumps into her five year old?" Jimin asked resting his head on his palm. "Mrs. Choi is very sweet you smartass, but yes that one," Mr. Park says. They all start laughing. "Y'know, your mom was like that with you two once. I remember this one time, we went to the park and someone bumped into Jiseok, and Hyolin got so angry that we never went to that park again," his dad said, chuckling at that last part. "Don't tell me she has the haircut too," Jiseok said in a pleading voice. "Oh my son, it was worse," his dad said while turing to face the food again and both boys groaned loudly.

"Alright, the food is ready," he said and they all calmed their laughter down a bit. Soon enough, their dog SeokSeok came rushing around the corner followed by their cat, Choo. "I feel bad for SeokSeok," Jiseok said and both Jimin and Mr. Park looked at him. "Why?" they both said. "Because Choo is always chasing him and he always looks so scared. Since when was she the dominant animal?" he asked and Jimin giggled.

"SeokSeok is still a puppy, of course he will be scared of Choo. Choo has had a litter of kittens already, she's kinda old," Jimin said and brother nodded, understanding what he meant.

When dinner was over, Jiseok and Mr. Park walked into the living room to watch Supernatural, but Jimin walked upstairs, saying he had homework to do.

He looked out his window and stared at the sky.

I'll figure you out someday Min Yoongi, he thought before started on his homework, eventually falling asleep on top of the papers.

I don't know Jimin's brother's name so I went with Jiseok and I didn't make the parent he lives with his single mother because I find that to repetitive. Plus there aren't enough fics where the father is the single one raising two kids. I'm trying to make this as real as possible.

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