Ch 4. What the Hell?!

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i named this chapter "What the Hell?!" because that's what i thought when i couldn't think of a name for this ch.  I hope you are enjoying Asher's story  of love, life, and heartbreak so far. there is still a LOT more to come about his new life so be ready for the flood!!! enjoy this, my newest chapter in "Deathly Love"


It had to be about midday before I finally stopped running. I had no clue as to where I was. I wasn’t in my town, Sherinsville, anymore. I was in a  town far smaller than Sherinsville, and I was sure that I had never been there before. The town had no signs of life in it. There were no people, animals, or even cars around. There were only buildings like a local grocery store and a pharmacy. My stomach growled at the sight of the grocery store and I didn’t know how long it had been since I had eaten. I walked into the store, only $17 in my pocket, and looked for some food. 

“Hello? Is anyone in here?” I called into the seemingly empty building as I walked the aisles. 

There was no answer to my question. I walked down the chip aisle and grabbed a bag of my favorite chips : Lays Hickory Barbeque Chips. I walked over to where the drinks were and got a cold 24 oz. Water (I am a  vegan, remember?). 

There was no cashier at the check out lane. “Hello?” I called out again.  “Is anyone here? I would like to check out now.” Still no one came. I decided that it was too creepy in there for me. 

I grabbed my food and walked out (its not considered stealing if no one is in the town to tell you its against the law). 

I found a nice shady area under an old willow tree and ate my well needed lunch. I threw the bag and bottle into a nearby recycling bin and sat back down under the willow tree. I stared, deep in thought, at the tree above me. It seemed familiar, like I’d seen this one tree somewhere before. No, it’s just your imagination. There are thousands of trees that look exactly alike. Why would this one stand out to you? There is nothing special about this tree, you’re just overreacting, I told myself. 

Still, there was something about this tree, the way it swayed in the faint fall breeze, that seemed familiar. A sudden urge to get as far away from this tree as possible overpowered my body. But before I could stand up, the roots of the tree wrapped around my ankle and lower calf and pulled me back down. I screamed, but since there was no one in the town, no one could hear my pleas for help. The tree started speaking in a strange tongue, but I could still (oddly) understand it. “Asher, we love you. Let us love you, Asher. All we want is your mortal body, Asher. We want your blood Asher. Don’t be afraid, it will only hurt for a little while.”

No matter how much I struggled I could not get out of the willow’s grip. It tightened its hold on my leg and started pulling me under. I saw a figure in the distance, at the outskirts of the town. I looked at him once and knew that he was not normal. I could not make out his facial features, but from what I could see he was about 6’7”, but with the boots he was wearing he was about 7’2”. He was extremely skinny, but not anorexicly so. His pitch black hair fell gracefully over his perfectly broad shoulders and it swayed in the breeze like the leaves of the willow. He was the last thing that I saw before I was pulled underground into the fortress of the roots. Before I lost consciousness I heard a whisper, but it wasn’t the same one that I had heard the nights before. “I am here, now, Asher Gracen."

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