.:: Host Club {Part I} ::.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Ouran High characters.

Janelle's POV:

"So, Jan-chan," Haruhi said, grabbing me from my little world. Currenty, we are walking up on the huge flight of stairs (two or three, I assume) and I must honestly say that THE ONE WHO PLANNED THE BLUEPRINT OF THIS SCHOOL IS A COMPLETE IDIOT! Who, in their own right mind, would make a school that each flight of stairs consists of 38 steps each!? "Do you like your new school so far?" Haruhi nicely inquired, lacing her hand on the wooden railings beside her.

"Actually," I started then paused for a quick second. Do I like my new high school? Apperently, yes, yes I do. But do I being glared like I am new booger that stucked up to a new nose by all the 'lovely' (heh, NOT!) and 'beautiful' (U. G. L. Y.) 'ladies' (female gladiators in a frilly dress, you mean?)? Oh, *insert a sarcastic mocking laugh* no. NO, I DO NOT LIKE THAT! "It's very..." I trailed off before saying,"nice." 😒 NOT WHEN YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE SOME FEMALE PREDATORS!

"Good," Haruhi said, giving me her charming closed-eye smile that I adore and love so much. Even when her hair is mostly cut off, she still looked pretty to the fact I want that preppy and adorable hairstyle, although I am going to look like a boy, but who cares about my hair!? It is mine, after all! "Because now," she said, stopping at a moment's notice. "We are on our way to visit the Host Club," she continued before turning to the east side of the stairwell. I followed quietly in suit.

"Hey, Haruhi," I called out, loud enough for her hear. She hummed softly in response. I cleared by throat. "What is this host club thingy? I mean, I know you are a member, although they are full of homo males," I said but mumbled the last part under my breath, making sure no will hear it but me alone. Nonetheless, I still continued. "But, really, what is the 'Host Club'?" I asked, air-quoting the word 'Host Club'. I am really curious, like a rat that had never seen a cheese on a mouse trap in his life. And not only that because in every public school I attended to had no or never had any Host Club. Or so I thought until I stumbled upon Ouran Academy, where I learn there is a new club that entered in my life.

Haruhi sighed for a minute before answering me,"You will know once we enter the room, Jan." Huh. That's... A colorful answer. How will I know? It will going to take forever to climb the stairs, thanks to some architectual fool who made the blueprints of this school, probably the stairwell part.

"We're here," Haruhi announced, breaking my mental ranting trance in my mind. Before us stood the double doors of another room, that goes in the name of Music Room No. 3. A music room? This is where the host club commence? Very impressive. Like, who on earth would start a club inside a school's music room? Some idiot maybe? Likewisely, the architect again to made the room and named it Music Room No. 3 when it is supposedly to be named Host Club.

The door is elegantly carved with beautiful patterns in colors of golden yellow and besides, the doorknob is also golden yellow but shiny! Well, the architect maybe an idiot but the one who put this door is a complete genius! The background is somewhat pinkish but there is a little purple glimmer. Huh. Maybe the one who put the double doors is a gay. Yeah, maybe.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go," Haruhi said, pushing my whole body in front of the door. I was about to touch the golden doorknob and open it when the double doors opened like itself! I resist the urge to screech for help and ran away like headless chicken in boots. Only this chicken had soul of a hen and a personality of a rooster. 😒

As soon as me and Haruhi entered the music room, I was expecting some instruments like trombome, tuba, trumpet, piano, flute and all classical instruments but no, no no, NO! I met almost sixteen dozen of ruby red rose petals, flying overhead above me as some fell on my violet hair, contemplating the shade of an apple and grape wine. Hmm... Maybe I will dye my hair red. Yeah, that'll be awesome. Then a blinding light flashed before my emerald eyes, making me stumbling back from shock. My face was like,'The heck man!?' and 'Holy Bijizus'. Yup, a very priceless face you won't forget in your lifetime, readers! It is all too soon for the dramatic lights to disappear when I saw six males posing like a royal noble in front of me. All of them are wearing the Ouran High's uniform for males but it is somewhat more stylish... More complete and formal, unlike some people...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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