Instructions On What To Do in Team Royal

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Welcome! And thank you for considering to join the team! Before we get started, let us explain that this is a community that helps readers gain insight on one of our biggest projects Studium Mandi and aiding writers on their stories and giving them suggestions. Our hope is that we are the largest writer group to win the Wattys (or any other major contest) that writes essays, and the first major community on Watt Pad.

On the next part, is an application that you need to fill out to join, me and other future chosen members will look at your application.

You will be given assignments monthly and must complete them. You will have two warnings, if you do not complete an assignment, one warning is issued. If you are out of warnings, you are not part of the team. You can join again, but the teammates and me will have more expectations on your application and works. However, the harder you work, the more featured you will be in all works. Their will also be 4 classes. Assistant (the beginner), Writer (the normal class), Novelist (the hard worker), and Professional (highest class). Your status does not upgrade by time, but effort. You can also leave this group at any time. Each essay will contain 3 paragraphs, containing 5 sentences and one source (i.e. Space Exploration could have the source NASA or SpaceX) Your work will be credited to you, by your Watt Pad name on the bottom or if you would like to provide your real name. The minimum of one essay must be completed every month, except April, May and August. If you need 'time-off' you can contact us via our email. Once you are done with an essay, send the email to If however you are on the mobile app, send a paragraph of the essay you are doing, and send it to us by messaging us by Wattpad. 

Good Luck!

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