
101 9 8

Name (Wattpad name):

How many works have you published?:

Are you a supporter to Team Royal already?:

Do you have a profession in Wattpad? If so, what are your professions, book covers, revising, writing?:

Why do you want to join Team Royal?:

Is your writing biased?:

When did you join Watt Pad (you can check on your profile, under your bio)?:

Have you been in a writing team before (i.e. editorsUnited)?:

What are your interests and/hobbies?:

Please write a 5 sentenced short story, it can be about anything.:

Are you planning to stay on Watt Pad for the next 3 months?:

What book would you like us to read of yours, to better know what your level in writing is (optional)?:

Thank you for filling out the Team Royal application form. This will also be posted in the comments, so you may copy and paste this. When you're done, please email it to DO NOT send this to us via Watt Pad. Good Luck!

Team Royal ApplicationWhere stories live. Discover now