Scars. (Ezio auditore x Mondern! Reader

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Some things you had tried to keep a secret from ezio. Most things, the curious man discovered on his own.

Like, the fact your favorite cup was one that had One Direction all over it, or that you'd watch shows intended for younger kids (always blamed that on having a young niece or nephew- it always depended on the show). But the one you had always kept a good secret was one that was from your past, and on your body.


Some things you had tried to keep a secret from Ezio. Most things, the curious man discovered on his own.

Like, the fact your favorite cup was one that had One Direction all over it, or that you'd watch shows intended for younger kids (always blamed that on having a young niece or nephew- it always depended on the show). But the one you had always kept a good secret was one that was from your past, and on your body.


Ezio had them, yes, but his were by no means the same as the ones you had. His were from being an Assassin, fighting to protect his world from bad things, and bad people.

Yours were from constantly being at war with yourself, when you'd let the voices plaguing your mind win. It happened a lot more often then you'd like to admit, even now.

So the day you decided to go without sleeves cover up the marks on your arms (and even your tattoos on show), you weren't expecting Ezio to notice one bit. But he did.

You were lounging on the couch, almost asleep. You were sitting up, arm on the armrest and you rested your head closer to your arm, a normal position you'd be in while watching a movie or a favorite tv show. You weren't wearing a jacket for once, enjoying the comfort that came along with your not-so-common enjoyment.

"Amore, what are these?" A surprisingly gentle voice asked, drawing you from your half asleep state. 'Oh god, he saw them.' you thought, knowing exactly what Ezio was asking you about. "They're nothing, Ezio. Promise." You stated, voice a little scratchy from almost being asleep. "No, they're something. Y/n, why do you have... Scars? I know you have the crest of the assassins, but... You aren't one. I know you do not fight." He stated, pausing for a moment and sits beside you.

"You are too gentle a person to be a fighter... What are they from?" He questioned again as you bit your lip, not wanting to tell him.

Ezio grabbed your chin gently, making you look at him. "Amore." he stated, eyes staring into yours. "I did them..." You say in a quiet voice, pulling away from Ezio. "What?" He questioned, tilting his head and keeping his eyes on you. "I know your hearing isn't bad, Ezio. I did them." You repeat, voice trembling a bit as you sigh. The assassin just silently sat beside you, processing the information he just received.

"How? .. Why?" Ezio asked quietly, making you look at him again. "It.. Ezio, it's complicated but I'll try..." You murmur, and a moment later begin explaining things to Ezio. What started it, when you finally stopped, etc.

When you finished, you had tears threatening to spill from your eyes but Ezio looks over this, moving to kneel in front of you and then takes your arm in his hand, carefully trailing his fingers over the scars that were scattered across the skin. His thumb rubbed over them gently, his eyes carefully studying your arm. "You... You are quite a warrior, y/n. I want you to know that. Do you believe me?" He asks, earning a nod. Ezio smiles gently, his thumb still running over your scars and he leans down a bit, kissing the ones closest to the insignia of the Assassins.

"I mean it. You are the most beautiful warrior I've ever seen." he says after looking up and pressing his lips to your cheek.

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