Shopping With Assassins...

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***Ezio and Leonardo***

Ever since Ezio and Leonardo had arrived in the modern world, Ezio had struggled in. So taking him shopping today, was bound to cause difficulties. Leonardo had done a better job of adapting and seemed to be so interested in everything. You strolled towards Tesco with them.

"Now Ezio remember-...."

"I know, I am your friend from Italy, from 2014 not the 1400's, 'TVs' are not prisons for strange tiny people and it is common for food to be in those things called....'plastic packets'. How many times must I tell you, I am a highly trained assassin, not some little child that will embarrass you or cause a fuss." He reassured.

"Okay, well just act casual you two. And Leo, remember, you are my friend from Italy as well."

"I shall try not to say anything, 'out of place'." Leo said, happily studying the car park.

"It will be fine." Ezio said, looking calm, at lest he didn't freak out every time he saw a car now. You were keeping your eyes fixed on him, worrying he'd say or do something stupid. Mind looking at Ezio was not exactly a bad thing, he looked very attractive in; faded blue jeans, a red shirt, a white hoodie, that was undone just enough to see a bit of the red shirt and black trainers, his dark chocolate hair remained tied back in red cloth, with just some of it falling perfectly to frame his face. He walked along, confidence in ever step.

"Hmm interesting..." Leo muttered as you walked along, he was eyeing everything with such curiosity. He wore a pair of grey cargo trousers, because they had so many pockets for him to 'collect' things in, he also wore a burgundy red t shirt, that matched his hat, which he had refused to take off, along with a pair of red flip flops.

"Right lets grab a trolley." You said

"Right a trolley.....what's a trolley?" Ezio asked, as he looked at you with confusion.

"Something to put the stuff you buy in. I'll get one." You said walking over and selecting one that didn't squeak. "Okay, come on you two."

They followed behind, Ezio strode towards the door, when it opened automatically, he jumped back, his hand flying to wear he would typically have a sword and glaring, remembering you had made him leave it behind. "What is....this....magical door?" He asked.

"Fascinating." Leonardo said, as he tottered over to inspect the door.

"Ummm, guys that isn't out of place, you two on the other hand....sort of are" You sighed at the looks passers by were giving you.

"Sorry." They both said, walking in, looking around in complete awe at the lights, products and in Ezio's case, the women.

"Oh great." You muttered. "Hey Ezio, will you do me a favour? Please?" You said, with a small cute smile.

He sauntered over to you, putting his hand on your chin. "Anything for you bella." He purred.

"Push the trolley." You said, laughing slightly at his dejected expression.

"Okay bella, if it helps you." He said looking excited to give it ago. "Now, I shall try my new steed." He said. Well if there was a diving test for trolleys, Ezio had officially failed. His 'new steed', didn't seem to like him very much by the looks of things.

"Ummm, (y/n), later, may I....umm...maybe...have a go at pushing it?" Leo asked shyly.

"Sure, how about now. Ezio would you give the trolley to Leo, you clearly can't drive or....ride it." You teased.

"I can do it! But if Leonardo wants to" He gave it to Leo, who, thank goodness seemed to get the hang of it.

The three of you walked along, you picked up the food that was on your list. Ezio occasionally asking how much an item was, and was that price expensive, if your answer was yes, then the item would typically end up in your trolley. "Ezio, why do you only like the expensive things."

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