how it all started(or intro)

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I ran through the streets with bread in my hand." Get back here demon!!" The store clerk yelled chasing me. He caught up and hit me several times. I walked back to my alley and sat down and ate the piece of bread I had. Life was hard as a five year old out cast. No one wanted me,not even my parents. I was all alone, until a man came up to me and said" are you Sadoka?" I nodded my head." How would you like to stay with me eh?!" He said grinning. My face lite up and nodded. He held out his hand for me to grab. I hesitantly took it and we went back to a church which was probably his home." Welcome home father." Said a boy with glasses. He looked down to you and said" Hi! You must be Sadoka, welcome to our home." He said bending down to your size. I took his hand and wrote 'hi'. He smiled as we went inside." Hey Sadoka" Father Fugimoto began" do you want to live here with my two sons?" I nodded my head up and down. Soon another boy came through the doors of the church." Oh hey Rin." Said father Fugimoto." Now that you're here I can introduce you to our new family member."the boy whose name was Rin looked up in confusion." Sadoka these are my two sons Rin and Yukio." He said pointing to each individual son. I walked up to Rin and wrote' hi Rin' on his hand. I had a feeling I was going to be happy for once in my life.

Sorry it's short guys i'm sorta having a writers block so I might need some ideas

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