When it change

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~time skip to 2 years later~

It's been two years and living with father Fugimoto was like living with a family again. It was almost my birthday and I was excited. I went out to town to buy some groceries with Yukio. He had to go somewhere so I was on my own. On my was to the candy store I saw some strange black creatures floating everywhere. They seem so cute so I began to play with them. I sat on a bench and began to play with them. It was soon getting dark so I headed home. On my way home I saw many more of the black creatures floating everywhere. It started to get really dark as I walked home. I saw Yukio and ran up to him. He saw me and waved. I caught up to him and we both walked back home together.

~time skip by Mephisto~

We soon arrived at the church,but there was a huge truck smashed into it. We looked at each other alarmed and ran in. Father Fugimoto was on the floor and Rin was crying. Later Rin gave me a sword and said it was from Father Fugimoto. There was a small note on it and I read it. When I finished it I felt like time froze. I Sadoka Sasaki was part demon. The sword i had contained my demon powers, but since i was too young if i drew the sword my powers wouldn't activate.I never knew it until now. I had so many Questions that clouded my mind. I quickly shook out of my thoughts and followed Yukio to Father Fugimoto's grave for the funeral. I was really upset. I fell asleep during the funeral unfortunately. I woke up the next day." Hurry up dress and pack." Rin told me. I did as instructed to and got ready. I walked to the front of the church. A pink car was parked right in front. A funny looking man came out of the pink car. Rin began yelling at him for some reason."Oh hello Mr.Faust." Said Yukio. I was still confused. We all soon went inside the pink car. I sat silently before whispering to Rin."Who's that Rin?" I asked him." He's Mephisto Pheles director of True Cross Academy." Rin replied. I soon understood what was going on. We were going to be students at the academy. We soon arrived and dropped of some stuff and headed off to the ceremony. After that we had to go to the cram school. Rin and I saw a pink dog and followed it. Soon away from the school it transformed into Mephisto. He gave us a key to the cram school. We quickly went to the class. Mephisto was going to come with us to give us some tips. Rin walked into the classroom. I peeked into the classroom nervous. Rin gave me a resuring smile and I walked in. We sat at the front of the class. Soon our instructor came in. It was Yukio! I was surprised that he was already an exorcist. Rin began to get angry and started to yell at Yukio. Everyone was told to go outside so they could "talk things out" being the mischievous little girl I was I stayed in. Rin soon accidentally knocked the animal blood vial to the floor as the blood went everywhere tons of Goblins came out. I ducked under the desk scared. I never seen anything like this so I was afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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