Cigars (Nemi oneshot)

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Demi saw Nick as he appeared in the doorway, with his brothers, Joe & Kevin. His eyes met hers & a huge smile took over his face. Demi practically ran to him, leaping into his waiting arms. He held her tight for several minutes. When she loosened her grip, so did Nick. She looked at him with her beautiful, bright smile & kissed his lips. Suddenly, she pulled away & pushed him away from her. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand & made a look of disgust.

"That’s not the greatest reaction to a kiss." Nick said, raising one eyebrow.

"You taste like a dirty ashtray. Were you smoking?" Demi leaned in to take a whiff & turned up her nose in distaste.

Nick looked at the floor, quickly. “We were celebrating the song dropping tomorrow. We had a cigar.” 

"Jesus, Nick. Smoking is so bad for your voice." Demi’s face was worried, now.

"It’s not like we do it all the time. Once every couple of months, maybe. It’s not a big deal."

"Did you have some brandy, too?"

Nick laughed. “I can’t drink, legally, for another couple of months.”

"Cute." Demi crossed her arms & looked away.

Nick put his arms around her & put his forehead against her hair. “I know you are.” He whispered. “I’ll go brush my teeth if you want.”

Demi pushed Nick’s arms off of her & looked him in the eye. “That won’t be necessary. I’m not kissing you the rest of the night anyway.” She turned to walk away, then turned around to give him a flirtatious smile. “And if I ever smell or taste cigars on you again, you’ll be cut off from any kind of touching for a long time. I promise you it will be a lonely winter.” She turned on her heel & walked away.

Nick watched her walk away, with his mouth open a little. “Was she serious?” he thought to himself. 

Joe threw his arm over his little brother’s shoulder. “I guess Kevin & I will be smoking alone from now on.” He laughed.

"She doesn’t control me." Nick stated, putting his hands in his pockets. 

"Shall we go finish our cigars, then?" Joe asked.

Nick looked around, nervously. “Nah. I’m good for now.”

Joe laughed loud. “That’s what I thought.” Nick watched Joe walk to where Kevin was standing. Demi caught his eye. She was watching him with a soft smile on her lips. Nick smiled at her. She winked & then motioned with her head for him to come to her. Nick obeyed.

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