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"UMPH!" Spiritpaw huffed as he fought with an apprentice much larger than him. "Cmon, Spiritpaw! you can do much better than that" Cedarpaw laughed. Spiritpaw got up and charged toward the older apprentice. he slid under her and wrapped his paws around his legs and pulled hard on a odd feeling bone or something  and Cedarpaw's legs buckled and she fell, right on top of Spiritpaw. the younger apprentice was fine, but the she-cat was winded and on her side, curled up in a ball with her paws wrapped around her stomach and she was wailing in pain. Spiritpaw got up and sniffed her. "Sorry, Cedarpaw. i got a little upset..." mrrr... "thats okay! good move, you should tell me how to do it." "Sure! really, all you have to do is charge at full speed, then when they think you're going to pounce, slide under instead and pull on the bone- thingy at the back of their legs. this will make their legs buckle and make them collapse on top of you. you will be fine, but if you arch your back at the right time, they are most likely to have their bellies over you back, and it'll wind them. you cant do this with cats that are smaller or the same size as you, if you want to wind them that is. but you can still lock their legs. you can only wind warriors or apprentices larger than you." Cedarpaw wasn't even listening. she was too busy watching his eyes sparkle in the sunlight, his muscles ripple through his pelt, his side smile that made her want to.. AH! Cedarpaw snapped back to reality, and looked at Spiritpaw. Damn, those daydreams! " um, run that by me again?" the Tom rolled his eyes in annoyance "charge at full speed, then when the think you're going to pounce, slide under instead and pull on the bone- thingy at the back of their legs. this will make their legs buckle and make them collapse on top of you. you will be fine, but if you arch your back at the right time, they are most likely to have their bellies over you back, and it'll wind them. you cant do this with cats that are smaller or the same size as you, if you want to wind them that is. but you can still lock their legs. you can only wind warriors or apprentices larger than you." "oh okay i understand, thanks, Spiritpaw!" "no problem, Cedarpaw" and with that, the two parted. for now....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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