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The whispers started as soon as the short brunette girl entered the doors of south Jefferson high; her books clutched tight to her chest, head bowed as she maneuvered her way through the cluttered hallways. She was one to stay quiet and not speak unless spoken too. Thats what her mother taugt her anyway.

"Paisley Richardson" someone yelled long ways down the hallway, catching the girls attention as her head snapped up. Her eyes locked in on the teenagers aproaching her; innocent smiles plastered on their faces. But Paisley knew innocence for them only went skin deep. "We heard it was your birthday in a few weeks..." the head cheerleader flipped her honey blonde hair off her shoulder; her pink glossed lips stretched into a smile.

Paisley just nodded; her eyes flipping from person to person. They all looked the same to her; blonde or brunette hair and light colored eyes. "We got u a birthdat present..." she grinned as one of the foot ball players handed her a precisely wrapped box. "And here you go."

Paisley reluctantly took the box from the girls grip, lifting the lid off the box. Inside on top od a red velvetly surface was a brand new razor glistening in the light shining from a near by window. She bit down on her bottom lip, in a quest to not cry, closing the box as quickly as she opened it. The group exploded in laughter, high fiving each other happily.

"Its just something to add to your collection." The cheeleader sneered as she placed her dainty hands on her hips as they all stared down the girl on the verge of tears.

"O-oh" was all she managed in a whisper, nodding her head. Were they waiting for her to cry?? Thet continued to stare.

"Can we get a thank you?" The girl asked furrowing her eyebrows as if she was really displeased with Paisleys behavior. She probably was. Everyone was. Paisley just began to shake her head as a hand connected against her cheek, snapping her head sideways. "Say thank you" the cheerleader instructed shoving Paisley by her shoulders.

She lay on the floor. Books strewn all over the floor as she held her stinging cheek. "Thank you" she whimpered, flinching as the blonde took a step closer toward her leaning down till they were eye level with each other.

"Your welcome. Go ahead and use your new present as you wish" she giggled, bumping Paisleys leg with her white althetics shoes. The others gradually followed her bumping Paisleys while she still sat there, all high-fiving each other, all except one.

He looked down on her. His ice blue eyes peircing her green ones in silence. Slowly a smirk formed on his face as he extended his hand. "Are you okay" he asked crossing his arms after he helped  her to his feet.

"My feelings? Oh don't worry dont worry about those no one else does" she dismissed, bending down to pick up her books. He nodded shrugging his shoulders, handing her the forgotten "gift"

"Your probably right"

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