Umm..... (chapt. 4)

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I had to re upload this chapter as well so everything was in sequential order. im just picky like that.


Almost 200 reads in one day!!!! In. Sane. Doods!!!!! I love yous all <3 Ufhwiwh hdjshsefjhzsygvfv  

Idk anymore  

and a giant shout out to my friend that I just recently met "Queen of da eevees" you're awesome <3 and I admit defeate, just let me be umbreon ;) 

is it weird that im watching burlesque?... 

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~Jerome's POV~

Well somehow I convinced Mitch that cuddling was a good idea. He made the bed on the floor and we laid down next to each other in a hug. I really have no clue how that worked...

~Mitch's POV~

So Jerome asked to cuddle and without a second thought I said yes... too obvious? I think so... wait a second, HE asked ME to snuggle!! holy fuck!!! Umm... I should say something

~Narrator POV~

Mitch: Uh, jerome

he said as he sat down close to jerome

Jerome: Y-Yeah Mitch?

Jerome was wondering what was happening, why was Mitch just suddenly ok with this?

Mitch: I've been meaning to tell you something

Jerome: me too

they both smiled at each other

Mitch: you can go first...

Jerome: no I insist

Mitch: ok... *deep breath* I just.. uh I lik-

???: heyy Mitch?

Mitch: yeah?

???: can I borrow you're "no plz" shirt?

Matt entered the room wearing that shirt

Mitch: why would u ask when you're already wearing it?

Matt: I dont know, I fell asleep, but when I got up to get some water I remembered that I should ask

Mitch: well you're already wearing it. its fine if u sleep in it some more

Matt: thanks, night doods

Matt went back upstairs

Jerome: well that was random...

Mitch: yeah...

he said with a sigh

Jerome: was there something you wanted to tell me?

Mitch: oh, naw g

Jeome: ok...

Jerome scooted closer to Mitch. Jerome gazed at him and he looked up with some surprise in his eyes.

Jerome: Mitch, get a good night's sleep

He slowly leaned in and gave him a 2 second long peck on his lips

Mitch: ........

Mitch gave a slight smile and a silent laugh. He stood up and straightened out the couch and layed down facing Jerome, then he rolled over and fell asleep.


Both Jerome and Mitch were woken by a loud crash in the kitchen followed by

Rob: SORRY!!

Mitch: *muttering* Good morning to you to Rob

Jerome sat up and laughed

~Jerome's POV~

Oh god. Did I dream that I kissed Mitch? I hope that it was only a dream. he's going to act so weird around me now. I have to talk to Rob...

~Mitch's POV~

Wow. Jerome KISSED me. That couldn't have been a dream. But it happened just like my dreams do, he was sweet and gave me the nicest smile and just kissed me. Robs not going to believe this...

~Rob's POV~

I wonder how Jerome and Mitch were last night.

~Narrator POV~

Rob stretched and stood up with a grunt. He knew he was the first one up so he went downstairs to make breakfast. Eggs were on his mind so he serched for a pan to fry them in. As he was doing so he was sidetracked by the thoughts of Jerome and Mitch as a couple, so he daydreamed about them and the next thing he knew he heard the crash of every pan but the one he wanted then found himself yelling

Rob: SORRY!!

He heard a laugh coming from Mitch's room and he giggled to Matt

Rob: how do you like your eggs?

Matt: However you make em best, just without the pans please

they both laughed

~Narrator POV~

Meanwhile downstairs Mitch and Jerome were smiling at one another is silence. each wanting to talk to Rob and ask aloud if last night was real. Mitch stood up and laid next to Jerome. Jerome looked on in amazement and at the same time he questioned it. Mitch came real close and wrapped his arms around Jerome, he looked at him with his sweet brown eyes and said

Mitch: Biggums, youre so much more than a friend to me, I would do anything for you

and just as suddenly as he laid down with Jerome he leaned in, eyes closed, and kissed Jerome with a burning passion. it ignited them both and they ended up winding themselves around each other. Kissing with a love. so much more than either had ever dreamed of.

Mitch stopped for air and sat up

Mitch: I knew it

he said with a sly smile

Jerome: uh biggums?

Mitch shook his head "no" and stood up

Mitch: Matt is going to lunch with Rob later, we can talk about things then

He said this with confidence and an almost sass to his words and a tease to his tone.

Jerome sat there in awe as his love just simply walked upstairs for breakfast


Hai doods!!!!! ♡♥♡ Sorry it took me so long to update hope u like it <3

Twatter: @_Merome 

Diviant Art: CJ190 

Tumblr: -merome 


And im happy to announce that I am part of a small group now. It is just a friend and I and we are known as Story Builders. He does skin builds on pocket edition and I, as you know, write a fan fic (no duh) We have social media outlinks aswell so check those out and give him some love, his twitter is on our group account.

Twitter: @storybuilders2 

Instagram: Story Builders

Thanks for the reads even though I haven't had something new in a while, you guys are awesome!! <3

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#Merome a story of the love between Bajan Canadian and ASFJeromeWhere stories live. Discover now