Chapter 1

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Ugh, school again. It feels like my Freshman year just ended and now I'm already starting my Sophomore year. I groan in annoyance at the thought fills my head. "Cole! Get up!" I hear my mother yell, just making me more annoyed.

"Ma, five more minutes." I whine. I already know the answer but I'm not a morning person. It pisses me off to be woken up this early.

"No," my mother says sternly as she walks into my room. "Last school year you had way to many days that you checked in, as well as absences. Now, get up." She said, Shaking the end of the bed in attempt to get me to move. I flipped over and groaned.

"Fine, I'll get up." I mumbled. Mom left and I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching my arms over my head. I stumbled over to my closet slowly. As I opened the closet door and looked for something to wear, my phone buzzed. I turned around and walked over to it. The name Marshall across the screen next to a text message. Next to the name, it read: 'Hey, r we skipping?'. I grabbed a simple T-shirt and shorts to wear to school. After I threw that on, I walked over to my side table and texted him back. We might as well. I mean, it's our first day back, we won't miss anything. People are still going to be on vacation so they'll miss the same that we are. Plus, school isn't a huge thing in my opinion. Some of the greatest actors dropped out of high school, so who said that there was anything bad about it?

I check the time on my phone. 6:50 I ran out of my room and grabbed something small thing to eat and grabbed my book bag. I went over to the counter where my brother was eating. "Sup, dork." I greeted him with and smacked him lightly upside the head. He punch me in the arm but I ignored it. I walked towards the front door and opened it. "Bye!" My parents yelled from the living room. I, again, ignored them and headed down the street to meet up with Marshall.


"Hey, Marsh." I said when I caught up to him. He turned to me and smirked.

"Sup, you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah," I began but I started to question myself. "Wait, for what? Are we skipping or no?"

"Well, I heard from someone that there's a new student." He explained. "We gotta go and meet the new kid. Ya know, show 'em who's boss."

I nodded. "I like the sound of that." I replied. And we began to walk to school, exchanging small talk every now and then. Then a question brought itself forth. "Hey, Marsh?"

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"What's this kids gender?" I asked.

"Oh, apparently, she's a girl from... Canada?" He questioned himself and nodded. "Pretty sure they said Canada."

"Oooh~," I said. "This will be fun and easy. Little innocent girl from another country." I looked over at Marshall and we exchanged glances and ran off to school.

Yes, this is a short chapter but they will be longer in the future, I promise... #MCRreference , so this is for a competition I'm doing with KyleJones524 so go check out his book. My friend is judging who can make this best romance/teen fiction so yeah. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. Byes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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