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For the first story lets a throwback, well its not really a throwback but oh well. Heres the story on when you first met Dallon.

You are walking to your favourite coffee shop when you come across a flyer for a room available in an apartment with a studio, you grab a tab and call the person who has the apartment. A man called Dallon Weekes, you call him and a very hot and possibly even stressed voice answers and you both agree to meet at 3 at the apartment.

You head to your favourite coffee and order your usual coffee and a muffin combo. You sit down and start to sip your coffee before you hear the bell ring signalling a customer coming in and a cool autumn breeze come in. You look up to see a tall man possibly early to mid twenties ordering a coffee, you go back to drinking your coffee before you hear, "What is a lovely woman like you sitting by herself"

That voice says familiar yet not at the same time. You look up to the see same man standing there, blue eyes looking down at you, one dimple and messy hair from the wind. You offer him a sit and start to chat, you find out he just moved here and lives in an apartment down the road. He apologies and says he as to go because he is expecting someone to look at a room in his apartment.

As he walks away it clicks, he is the Dallon you were talking to earlier about the apartment room for rent. You finish your coffee and head down to the address Dallon gave you earlier, as you reach the apartment you stop because you can hear a guitar from somewhere. It keeps stopping and starting like someone is trying to figure out chords to a song, you go to knock on the door before you see out the corner of your eye the same man from the coffee shop strumming on a guitar then scribbling down something on a sheet of paper.

You knock on the door and he opens the door and says, "Oh look who it is."

You laugh and say, "I'm after the room in your apartment."

He looks at you and says, "Sorry its been taken." You frown before he continues saying, "By the person standing in front of me."

You turn to look behind you to see no one standing behind you. He laughs and says, "You idiot of course you have the room if you want, I can give you a tour of the apartment which also has a studio."

You walk in and he gives you a tour of the apartment and your room. He shows you the studio which must be the room you saw him strumming the guitar, you walk past the guitar and the notes he was writing. You look down at the notes and see a song called 'Love At First Sight' you question him about it and he just says, "Well the title explains itself, it about love at first sight."

You look into his eyes and get lost, lost into a day dream state. No one has ever made you feel this way, its like you both just clicked and have known each other for life. Kinda like childhood sweethearts but instead complete strangers, you snap out of the dream state when he asks if you want to hear some. You nod your head and starts to strum some chords before singing.

"Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to kiss her"

"Wouldn't you like to, wouldn't you like to dance with her"

His voice relaxes you as you start to tap your foot to the beat, he stops and says, "Sorry I'm working on it, it's a bit difficult though."

"It is amazing," you reply. "You have a really nice voice, its very calming."

"Thanks," he replies while giving you a weak smile. "You know even though we just met I feel like I've known you for you."

You look up at his eyes and say, "Same here," you both are looking into each other eyes and you can only think about how much you want to kiss him. You know its strange to kiss someone you just met but when you feel like this its impossible to not think about. He walks closer you and grabs you arm before closing the gap between you two.

His lips look soft and warm, his eyes look mellow and soft and his hair in a messy yet hot way. The gap between you closes more before his lips are on yours, this brings a warm fuzzy feeling to your body. You don't pull back and neither does he, instead he deeps the kiss making it more passionate you don't hesitate in following his movement and deepening the kiss as well. He pulls away and rubs the back of his neck before saying, "Sorry about that, I just yea, I don't know what happened. I just got lost in your eyes."

You laugh softly before saying, "Its alright, I kinda liked it."He stops rubbing his neck and says, "Its just that like I feel like I know everything about you and yea. Sorry if I'm not making any sense."

You look at him and smile before saying, "Trust me it's alright, I felt the same way. Anyway thanks for the room, I promise to start moving my things in tomorrow."

He nods and says, "Glad I didn't scare you off, call me if you need any help moving anything."

You give him another smile before saying, "I'll make sure to remember that but before I leave." You place your lips back on his, the warm feeling overcomes your body again. Its not like when you kissed boys before, his kisses are sweet and gently not hungry and empty. You run a hand through his hair and he puts a hand around your waist, his kisses make you feel safe and protected.

You finally pull away and say, "See you tomorrow around 11." With that and a wave you walk down the road. As you walk down the path the breeze makes the colourful leaves sway, as you walk back to your now old apartment all you can think about is his kisses and how safe he made you feel, you hope it happens again and that it hopefully leads to more than just roommates.

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