Chapter 14: A Day Well Spent

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Many weeks have come and gone and I was living my life like a normal person. Once in a while I would cry myself to sleep because I missed James. I haven't heard or spoken to him since I last saw him while I had my monthly. I continued going to work and finished the projects I was assigned in less time than I was expected to finish. I was just going on about life like I wasn't hurting but I couldn't forget about him because he had already found himself into my heart. This week I had my monthly but I decided not to call James because I seemed to be doing just fine. All was well with Brandon and Moe. Once in a while, they would have their arguments about what they should do for their wedding. Their wedding is in like 4 months and I was her maid of honor. She basically got everything that she need for the wedding, even her dress and she was just waiting for the day she got to say I do.

Every time I saw her and Brandon talking and having a good time with each other, it reminded me of when I was with James. I just realized that Brandon and James both waited for the one, for a year or more. Brandon waited 12 years and James, 1. I still can't believe James waited a year for me even though he didn't know me, but Brandon waited 12 years, 12. He must have really loved Moe to wait sooo long to find her but I also think it's sweet. I really miss James. I wander if I'll ever get to get back with him if he doesn't get his sister to at least talk to me. I really hope it's soon because he makes me feel needed. I would tell my parents that someone has stolen my heart but I don't wanna hear oh how I could have done better, I just don't want them criticizing me but I still have to show him to them. I love my parents but it seems as if it will take my whole life to please them. I haven't seen them since I left for college. I decided to text him and just say that I love him. I got my phone and text him.

I love you James with all my heart. You don't have to answer back. Seconds later, my phone vibrated and it was James. Dang that was fast. I opened the text message and James said,

I love you too baby. I miss you but don't worry you will be mine again. I'm talking to my sister. Also I was just looking at your picture.

Which one? I texted back.

The one on our special night and on the boat.

Can you send then to me? He sent me about 6 pictures of me that I didn't even know he took. He even took a picture of my sleeping after we made love one night.

You look beautiful in the picture where you're sleeping.

I'm sleeping.

Sooo you're beautiful when you sleep.

Lmaoo thank you.

Baby I miss you sooo much.

I do too.

I find myself calling your name and then I realize that you aren't there and I get greatly sad.

I cry myself to sleep because I miss you.


I've never missed someone sooo much in my life.

Can I see you?

I don't know

Cherelle please, I have to see you.

You have pictures of me.

Baby you know that's not enough. I need to hold you in my arms, these past weeks since I saw you last, they were my longest days of my life because I was bored.


We can just hang out as friends not as people that are in love with each other.


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