If I Were In War Of The Worlds

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CHAPTER ONE - THE ARRIVAL: The day the martians came everything seemed quiet. That day was the most boring day of my life, until the crash. We heard about it in school that day because it was something  that had to be told. There was proof that aliens existed, and we were not alone.

I can honestly say I thought it was a huge hoax. It was something people said in pranks and the fact that it was April Fool's Day made it even more foolish. I could not bring myself to believe it until I saw it for myself. I live near Southfield ( also known as a former Navel Air Base) and it turns out that is exactly where the first one crashed. The next day when all the news stations still were reporting it I had a look for myself. I soon tried to get in the crowd but that didn't work.

I finaly got a good look later that night when everybody was gone. I was at a friend's house and we decided to sneak into Southfield. We still coudn't see anything because of all the guards covering the enterance. We didn't understand why.

"I thought that they couldn't even stand up because the gravity is heavier on earth", he said, The news had been reassuring audiences 24/7 that if worse came to worse the martians would die in a hole.

What we hadn't considered was that the oxygen was better here which would help them walk and with the fact that they could come to earth from Mars probably means that they could make a machine to help them stand up

"Maybe we should get going" my friend (who was named Anthony) said.

Yeah, your probably right", I said.

Suddenly just then we heard the noise of something stirring around. It wasn't the guards because they were turning their heads looking for the source of the noise.

Just then it happened.

I saw a man heat up to his heating point and that is a sight nobody should see. It turns out that the Martians had a heat ray that can make anything go to its heating point. It can make water bubble or a tree burn. I won't describe the scene of this horrible thing. I hope you won't have to know what it's like.

 Suddenly it did this to everybody, and it was one of the worst sights I've ever seen (ONE of the worst, the worst has yet to come). After a few others heated up I could see a huge box being waved around with something that resembled heat coming out of it. I then saw an octopus in armor carrying the box (Yes, that is how I am describing it).

We ran for our lives.

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