Chapter 3

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Strangely enough even though I was told all these wild assumptions by my friend, who said them as if he was losing his mind, I didn't feel as surprised as I thought I would be. Anthony had just said something nobody should be able to believe in a million years but I still managed to believe everything he said. Even though what he said never was confirmed, it was the most realistic guess anyone ever came up with.

What he explained to me was that those creatures must have seen that we were the youngest of the species and that we were the most helpless. To make an easy kill they wanted to follow us to see if we all gathered anywhere. Apparently that place was school. Like I said before I have no idea if this is true but I have never heard any answer more reasonable than his.

But he explained this to me later on and at that moment we were busy running for our lives. We might have spent our time warning everybody else but we were not the first to notice them. The halls were overcrowded by students, teachers, and the rest of the faculty too. Nobody could move without bumping into another student. The screams were coming from every where and it didn't help that we could even hear the thing coming closer and closer. After all this panic had been going on for a couple of minutes I noticed I couldn't find Anthony and I might have screamed his name If it wasn't for the heat ray being shot at us.

As soon as those creatures shot that heat ray was when what was known as the age of destruction had started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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