Chapter 3:Cancelled?

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Liam's Pov

I woke up extra early that morning.I climbed out of my bunk.I opened Niall's bunk curtain.I was about to wake him up when I realised he was not there.

I scratched the back of my neck.Maybe he's in Harry's bunk,sleeping with Harry.

I opened Harry's bunk curtain.The two of them was not there.

I walked towards Louis' bunk.

I opened the curtain.Luckily,he's there.

I woke him up.

"Louis,have you seen Niall and Harry?",I asked.

He shooked his head.

"Why?",He asked.

"They are not in their bunks",I answered.

"Let's go and find them",Louis said,throwing his black V-neck shirt on.

We jumped out of the tour bus.

"Harry!Niall!",Louis yelled.

We continued walking.

An hour later...

Still no signs of them.I called them.

I heard a phone ringing.It was from Louis' pocket.He took out Harry's phone out if his pocket.

"Oops,Harry and Niall's phone are with me",He answered.

I throwed my hands up because of frustration.

I called Paul,our security.



P:Oh my god Liam,finally!Where are you guys?

Li:Me and Louis does not know where the heck is Niall and Harry!

P:Where are you?

Li:I don't know,there are no signs here.

P:Continue searching for them.I'll tell management.If you already found them,give me a call.

[End Of Dialogue]

With that,he ended the call.

Carly's Pov

Me and Dawn were already in the arena.The concert will be starting 5 minutes later.

5 Minutes Later...

A guy with black hair appeared on the stage.

"Girls...We are so sorry but this concert is cancelled.The boys dissapeared this morning",He announced.

I started to sob.

We got out of the arena and went to a mall instead.

Liam's Pov

We walked and walked until I saw a blonde head chasing a curled hair guy.Wait...that's Niall chasing Harry!

Harry was holding a bag of chips while he was chasing something..

Me and Louis picked up speed and ran faster.

Suddenly,Harry fell and the bag of chips fell into a drain.Niall stomped his feets.

We ran towards them.

"Harry,Niall!What are you doing?",I asked.

"It's a long story!",Niall said.

"Okay,shortened it then",I answered.

"This morning,I was about to open my bag of chips but Harry came and grabbed it.I chased him around to take it back.He ran out of the bus so I chased after him.Then,he saw a kitten and began chasing it around so I need to chase him too",Niall answered.

"Why didn't you wake us up?",Louis asked.

"I wanted to be hurry because Harry is holding my bag if chips.I want to eat it!",Niall raised his voice.

I chuckled.

"Harold,where's my chips?",Niall asked.

"It fell into the drain",Harry answered.

"Buy me another one!",Niall demanded.

Harry showed him his tongue.

Niall pouted and began stomping he's feets.

This means I need to handle these 3 complete idiots.

Have no fear,Daddy Direction is here.

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