Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"Honey I'm home." I mumbled loudly as I walked through the door after work.

"Well hello." Austin said with a chuckle, sitting on the couch on his lap top.

"Sorry, it's an angel and I thing." I smiled. Throwing my purse down on the arm chair and sitting next to him. "Whatch'ya doing?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Taking a break from working on tracks and going over some clothing designs." he sighed. He shut his lap top and drummed his fingers on top of it in thought. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." I yawned. "Why?"

"Want to go out?" He asked.

"Like on a date?" I gasped

"What is a date? Never heard of such a thing." He smirked, making me roll my eyes.

"I would like that." I said sweetly, looking up into his brown eyes.

"Then lets get out of here..." He mumbled, slowing leaning down until our lips met. The kiss was quick and suddenly he jumped up and extended his hand out to me like a gentleman. I took it and he gently pulled me to my feet.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Not sure." He admitted. "But I figured we could wander around until we figured it out." He smiled. I nodded, usually I'd protest not having a solid plan but I'd follow him to hell and still feel safe as long as we were together.

I ran upstairs and freshened up my makeup and pulled my messy hair back into a clip. He was waiting for me at the door as I walked back down stairs. I took his hand and intertwining our fingers together as he opened the door for me and we walked out to where his car was parked.

We were taking a long drive into downtown, stuck in traffic, before his face seemed to light up with an idea and he turned off down a back road. I was worried as we kept going farther and farther from where I was familiar with but still didn't question it. Eventually the trees thinned and we came to an empty parking lot.

He got out and walked around to my side and opened my door for me and we held hands again as he led me to the edge of the gravel. Looking down, I realized we were at the top of the sand dunes and we were looking out over the ocean.

By now it was dark and all we had to see by was the light of the moon sparkling across the water.

"The moon in beautiful tonight.." I whispered in awe. He looked at me and smile but remained silent.

We slowly worked our way down the hill through the brush until we finally reached the beach. He plopped down with his legs stretched out in front of him so I laid down beside him and laid my head in his lap, turned to look out at the water still. We stayed quiet for a while and just watched and listened to the waves coming in and out, threatening each time to sweep up beneath us.

"I've never been to the beach at night." I murmured.

"It's nice, I feel like we have our own private beach." He whispered back.

"And it's never this quiet." I said. He nodded. "How are you?" I asked quietly.

"Fine, why?" He asked sounding confused.

"I don't know, when you were on tour I feel like we didn't talk much, like I don't really know how you are anymore." I murmured. "I just felt like talking for once." I smiled to myself.

"Touring is hard and tiring but worth all the trouble. Getting to meet the people you inspire and connect with them is a feeling like no other, and in turn they inspire us with their strength and stories of what they've been through." He said. "So I may be more tired then usual but I'm happy, life is good." I could hear the smile in his voice. "How are you?"

Will You Still Love Me? (MAHTW Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora