Chapter 9

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Laura: * laying down on her bed crying *

Ellen: * knocks on the door * L-Laura?? It's gonna be 8:00AM soon..

Laura: * shouts * CALL ME IN SICK!

Ellen: * scared * O-ok.. * quickly walks downstairs * What is going on with your sister?!

Vanessa: I don't know mom.. I'm worried about her.

Ellen: Ok, honey.. Go to school. I'll deal with her.

Vanessa: * nods * Bye mom. * grabs her bag and leaves *

Ellen: * tears up * It's all my fault..


Vanessa: * walks in and immediately walks to Rydel *

Rydel: Nessa! Laura isn't THIS late to school!

Vanessa: I know!

Raini: Where is she?!

Vanessa: Sh-she called in sick.

Drake: oh.. How did she became sick?

Anna: Yeah..

Ross: Probably from the rain.

Mike; But it didn't rain at all yesterday.

Vanessa: Look guys.. Can you ALL do me a favor?

All; Sure..

Vanessa: * sighs * Can you please leave Laura alone for a few weeks?

All: WHAT?!

Ross: Why??

Rydel: I can't do that!

Vanessa: She's not the same Laura anymore.. Laura, mom and I fought last night..

Raini: Vanessa! How could you?!

Vanessa: I said some mean things to her..

Rydel: * shocked and mad * Look what kind of sister you are! Ugh! Raini let's go! * drags Raini away *

Vanessa: * looks down * I-i'm sorry..

Anna: I may not know you that well to judge you, but after seeing this i know i can't trust you. * leaves with Drake, Mike And Ross *

Vanessa: * sighs and walks to class *


GANG: * walks to their lockers *

Vanessa: Guys, I'm truly sorry.. I didn't mean to... I was mad bc she blamed me..

Gang: We forgive you Nessa, just don't do it again!

Vanessa: Promise!

Anna: I'm sorry for what i said Vanessa..

Vanessa: No problem, i did kinda deserve it..

Rebecca, 2 other girls: * walks up to them * Hey..

Rebecca: Hey Rossypoo..

Drake: Wait, you guys are dating??

Ross: Didn't you know?

Mike: No, cuz last summer you told us you were just friends!

Ross: Didn't you see the kissing when we were hanging out together?

Drake: We thought you were doing it for popularity..

Raini: Wait up! ROSS.

Ross: Yeah Raini?

Raini: So your still dating this chump?! * points to Rebecca *

Ross: * nods * Yeah..

Raini: * sighs * I'm sorry guys, but i can't be friends with a guy who's still dating my best friend's enemy.. * walks away *

Rydel: I'm sorry! RAINI! * follows her *

Ross: * looks at Vanessa * Do you feel the same way Nessa?

Vanessa: * looks down * I-i'm sorry.. I can't either.. * walks away *

Rebecca: Forget about them babe.. You still have me, Anna, Drake, Mike and my two new bffs! Amber and Raven!

Amber, Raven: Hey!

Anna; You don't have me anymore..

Drake: And me

Mike: and me...

Drake: Ross, buddy... Sorry, we think it's best to not be friends with you for now that your still dating Rebecca.. Call us if you changed your mind.. * walks away with Anna and Mike *

Ross: I'm loosing all my friends..

Rebecca; You still have me babe..

Ross: sorry Rebecca, but we're over.

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