Chapter 14

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A/N: Today Michael Clifford followed me on twitter and I like bawled my eyes out and I thought him following me was a sign to update this fan fic, so enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote :)

We go and get a taxi and ride home in silence. He pays the driver and we go in his house and turn on the lights in the cold house. He walks into his room and I follow him. I sit on his bed as he goes through the clothes he left here and hands me a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt while he changes into his own pair. “I think I might go shower.”

“I’ll wait out here for you.” I say as he walks away. I lie down on his bed and I call Luke when I hear the shower turn on, and Luke picks up almost immediately.

“Hi, whatsup?” I hear Luke says tiredly on the other end.

“Mike is taking a shower so I thought I would update you guys, his mom didn’t make it through the surgery.” I say.

“She died?” He asks.

“Yea, and right after her burial I think we will be coming right back to America, and I want all three of you to be on your best behavior. You know him, he won’t want to talk about it or anything, he will just want to get back to the music and video games. I need all of you to just be your normal selves and try to make him laugh and just be nice to him in general.”

“Jen, of course we will try our best to make him happy again. Call us with updates though, I’ll tell the other 2 tomorrow morning since it is kinda late right now.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine I just don’t know how to comfort him.”

“I have a couple ideas.” He says in an implying tone.

“I don’t think sex will make him feel much better this time.”

“You never know. Maybe just go join him in the shower.”

“Luke, the last thing on his mind right now is probably sex.”

“You and I both know that is a lie.”

“C’mon Luke!”

“Just do it Jen, you never know.”

“Fine, I’ll call you later.”

“Use protection.”

“Maybe this is why you don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Hey! Be nice.”

“Goodbye Lukey-wukey.”

“Goodnight Jenjen.” He says as I end the call. I get off his bed and go into the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and then go into the shower. He turns around as I enter and gives me a weak smile.

“How are you?” I ask.

“Wet and tired.” He responds and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Do you want to talk about it yet?”

“Not really.”

“Well I am always here whenever you are ready to.”

“What am I supposed to talk about?! What do you want me to say Jen? Am I supposed to tell you how I am feeling about losing my mom? Am I supposed to let you see me just fall apart and cry?”

“You don’t have to be strong right now Mikey, you are allowed to feel sad and cry!”

“I don’t want my mom to think I am that vulnerable, I can get through this.”

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