Chapter 1

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"You can't do that y'know!" A small voice protested. "The rules where, that you can't leave camp!" The other kit, turned to look at the brown tabby. "So what! You can tag along if you promise not to tell!" Willowkit could sense the silent agreement. She had heard quite enough. Stomping out from the bush she was hiding in, she confronted them. "You two where planning to cheat, weren't you!" If they couldn't play it right, what was the point? "I''m going to tell, Whiterose!" The kits let out meows of protest as they ran after Willowkit, who had made a run for the nursery.

"Now, now kits settle down." Whiterose purred in her normal gentle voice. The kits bounced, play-fighting with each other. "You three are almost apprentices, you should start acting like it!" Willowkit wriggled in excitement 'I can't believe it! I'm almost there! Briarkit, her sister shook her tabby pelt, and paraded over to Willowkit. "I'm going to be the best apprentice ever!" Willowkit couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Not while I'm here silly!" Her brother Ashkit, shook his head furiously and protested. "Yeah right!" Whiterose's ears perked, at the sound of Rowanstar calling the clan together, her bright blue eyes showing worry. "I'm afraid the time has come for the clan to fight, say goodbye to your father now."
The kits moods immediately toned down. Willowkit followed her siblings through the crowd, until they appeared in front of their father, Tigerstep. They exchanged, swift licks in the shoulders and words like best of luck. Whiterose and Tigerstep exchanged a wordless conversation, there eyes showing something Willowkit was too young to understand. The clan left the camp, the cats behind letting out yowls of encouragement. Willowkit did not know however that, that was the last she'd see of her father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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